CONDITIONAL CLAUSES: TYPE 1 Pogojnik za prihodnost
Če bo jutri deževalo, bova šli plavat. MAIN CLAUSE (glavni stavek) IF- CLAUSE (pogojni stavek) If it rains tomorrow, we’ll go swimming. If he comes, he will have to go jogging with us. Če bo jutri deževalo, bova šli plavat. Če bo prišel, bo moral teči z nama. WILL FUTURE IF + PRESENT SIMPLE Čeprav je v if-stavku uporabljen navadni sedanjik, ta pogojnik v resnici govori o dejanju v prihodnosti, ki pa se bo uresničilo le, če bo izpolnjen dani pogoj. V slovenščini tako v pogojnem stavku kot glavnem uporabljamo prihodnjik.
If they study a lot, they will get a good grade. Where is the comma? If they study a lot, they will get a good grade. They will get a good grade if they study a lot.
Exercise Match the two parts of the sentences 1. I’ll be happy 2. She won’t pass her exams 3. He will come to the party 4. If her husband doesn’t cook dinner, 5. If you don’t tell him today, A. she will be very upset. B. if it is at the weekend. C. if she doesn’t study more. D. if I win the race. E. I will tell him tomorrow.