IOP inversion from shallow waters Peng Wang
Rrs = f(a, bb) Lu(0-): upwelling radiance Ed(0+): downwelling irradiance
PBR approach: • Basis vectors absorption aφ(λ) = aφ(λ0) [Sf*amicro(λ0)+(1-Sf)apico(λ0)] • adg(λ) = adg(λ0) exp(-S(λ-λ0)) backscattering bbp(λ) = bbp(λ0) (λ/λ0)-Y Radiance Reflectance equation [400:10:650] Rrs = 0.0949( bb/(bb+a)) + 0.0794 (bb/(bb+a))2 Linear regression method Data set: simulated by hydrolight (Rrs, a and bb)
Some results: IOP comparison (a and bb) Total Absorption Comparison average of relative difference: 11.9%
total backscattering comparison average of relative difference: 14.2%
Now story changed……
Rrs from shallow waters: Strange rrs Matlab complain No solutions !!!
Ed Lu Ludp LuB Rrs = Lu/Ed = (Ludp + LuB)/Ed = Ludp/Ed + LuB/Ed = Rrsdp + RrsB downwelling irradiance, upwelling radiance from water column and bottom
simple idea, hard application; fortunately…… Semi-Analytical Hyperspectral Model of Lee, et al, 1998 basically: rrs ≈ rrsdp[1-exp(-2KH)] + rrsBexp(-2KH) ≈ rrsdp(1-A0exp{-[(1/cosθw)+D0(1+D1u)0.5]αH}) + A1ρexp{-[(1/cosθw)+D’0(1+D’1u)0.5] αH}. rrs: subsurface remote-sensing reflectance, sr-1 rrsdp:subsurface remote-sensing reflectance for deep waters, sr-1 rrsB: subsurface remote-sensing reflectance for the bottom, sr-1 K: diffuse attenuation, m-1 H: bottom depth, m θw:subsurface solar zenith angle, rad u: bb/(a + bb) α: attenuation coefficient (=a+bb), m-1 ρ: bottom albedo A0,1 D0,1 D’0,1: from Lee et al, 1998
After subtracting the bottom influence, we get… Now matlab smiled and we got solutions !!!
Coefficient of Variance: (express sample variability relative to the mean of the sample) Total absorption: Backscattering:
IOP inversion results from shallow waters: Total Absorption: Total Backscattering:
Conclusions: Bottom reflectance has a huge impact on the remote sensing reflectance; Current semi-analytic algorithm can be successfully applied to invert IOPs after bottom correction; PBR approach can find strange rrs which is caused by the environment or bad measurements?