archaeo = ancient/primitive


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Presentation transcript:

archaeo = ancient/primitive Definition: the scientific study of the lives and culture of past people by excavation

Word: archaeology

Archae = ancient/primitive Def: belonging to the earlier period of time.

Word: archaic

Arch = chief, primary, first Definition: chief angel

Word: archangel

Arch = chief, primary, first Definition: the original pattern; the perfect example

Word: archetype

Aster/astr = star Definition: the science of the universe in which stars and planets are studied

Word: astronomy

Aster/astr = star Definition: pseudoscience based on the notion that the position of the moon, sun and stars affect human affairs.

Word: astrology

Audi = hear Definition: loud enough that it can be heard

Word: audible

Audi = hear Definition: reproduction of sound in video and television and music

Word: audio

Bene = good/well Definition: advantageous, favorable

Word: beneficial

Bene = good/well Definition: doing or inclined to do good, be kind or charitable

Word: benevolence

Bio = life Definition: the history of individuals lives told

Word: biography

Bio = life Definition: a risk or hazard to life or health, especially resulting from biological experimentation

Word: biohazard

Brev = short Definition: the quality of being concise, succinct, to the point

Word: brevity

Derm = skin Definition: method by which you get under the skin.

Word: hypodermic (needle)

Chloro=green Definition: the green pigment found in plants.


Chrono=time Definition: arranged in the order of occurance

Word: chronological

Chrono=time Definition: a history of facts arranged in the order in which they happened.

Word: chronicle

Dic/dict = speak Definition: to speak or read aloud for someone else to write down

Word: dictate/dictation

Fix = fasten Definition: to direct all attention at something; unwillingness to let something go

Word: fixate/fixation

Fer = to carry Definition: a boat that carries people and cars over water to another point of land

Word: Ferry

Gen = birth Definition: the way in which something comes to be; origins The first book in the Bible

Word: genesis

Geo = earth Definition: The study of rock; the science dealing with the physical nature and history of the earth

Word: geology

Graph = write Definition: fancy, cursive script

Word: Calligraphy

Hemo = blood Definition: the escape of large amounts of blood from a blood vessel; heavy bleeding

Word: hemorrhage

Herb = plant Definition: animal feeding on grass or plants only

Word: herbivore

Hydro = water Definition: a flat bottom boat that skims along the top/surface of the water.

Word: hydroplane

Hydro = water Definition: the production of power/energy by water.

Word: hydroelectric

Jur/just = law Definition: to show to be right or in keeping with reason.

Word: justify

Log/logue = word/thought Definition: a long speech in a play by one character

Word: monologue

Luc = light Definition: letting light pass through

word: translucent

Manu = hand Definition: to make by hand or by machine

Word: manufacture

Manu = hand Definition: first completed draft of a book or screenplay.

Word: manuscript

Meter/metr = measure Clue: In Canada and much of the rest of the world, speed is measured in…

Word: kilometer

Neg = no Definition: to ignore or disregard

Word: neglect

4-7=-3 Neg = no No! Defition: the opposite of positive Take your medicine No!

Word: negative

Ocu = eye Definition: a circular opening at the top of a dome.

Word: oculus

Olig = few Definition: a government in which a few are in control—often selfish and corrupt

Word: oligarchy

Op/Oper = work Definition: a person who works some machine; -or- A clever, persuasive person who generally manages to achieve his/her ends

Word: operator

Osteo=bone Definition: the study of bones

Word: osteology

Path = feeling Definition: the projection of your personality onto someone else to understand that person. Feeling for someone else. If I were you, I’d feel sad. I love my dear doggy. My dog died this morning.

Word: empathy

I’m so sorry. I feel so badly for you. Path = feeling Definition: to show feelings of pity or compassion I’m so sorry. I feel so badly for you.

Word: sympathize

Ped = child Definition: Doctor who specializes in children.

Word: pediatrician

Phil = love Definition: the desire to help humankind, as seen in charitable works.

Word: philanthropy

Phys = body, nature Definition: a medical doctor

Word: physician

Phys = body, nature Definition: instruction in exercise

Word: physical education

Pod/ped = foot Definition: a low platform serving as a pedestal, a place from which to give a lecture or conduct an orchestra.

Word: podium

Hi. My name is Irvine Smith. Pseudo = false Definition: fake name; AKA/alias Hi. My name is Irvine Smith.

Word: pseudonym

Script/scrib = write Definition: to write carelessly or so it is unable to be read.

Word: scribble

Sect = cut Definition: to cut open to inspect

Word: disect

Sect = cut Definition: a part of the whole

Word: section

Sol = alone Definition: to sing, play music, or sports without the backing group

Word: solo

Struct = build Definition: destroying something on purpose

Word: destruction

Struct = build Body Paragraph: TS CD CM CS Definition: the arrangement or interrelation of all the parts of a whole; manner of organization

Word: structure

Tact = touch Definition: that which can be perceived by touch; tangible = soft = scratchy

Word: tactile

Tele = far off Definition: seeing from a far distance

Word: telescope

Ter/terr = earth Definition: ground or tract of ground

Word: terrain

Vac = empty Definition: space with nothing in it at all

Word: vacuum

Ver = truth Definition: a decision made; the formal finding of a jury or judge

Word: verdict

Verb = word Definition: to use words to express or communicate meaning Most of the time, I don’t tell people what I’m thinking or feeling. I have hard time ____ my thoughts. Definition: to use words to express or communicate meaning

Word: verbalize

Tell me what he said exactly, word for word Verb = word Definition: following/repeating word for word. Tell me what he said exactly, word for word

Word: verbatim

Vis/vid = see Definition: the act or power of seeing with the eye.

Word: vision

Vis/vid = see Definition: a view or lookout

Word: vista