Driving SMEs to innovative eBusiness processes eBusiness training schemes ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
EUROCHAMBRES 45 National Chamber Organisations 2000 regional and local Chambers over 19 million member enterprises in Europe ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Chambers education system 2.7 million people trained per year, including 1.9 million young and 800 000 adults in life long learning courses More than 1,000 training centres managed by European Chambers 17,000 teachers, professors, and trainers Trainings that match business needs ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Creation of a custom-made training programme for Chamber experts Sunday 10 December Monday 11 December Tuesday 12 December Wednesday 13 December Thursday 14 December Morning Arrival e-Business landscape Raising e-Security awareness E-Business trends e-Chamber best practices Afternoon Internet marketing strategy E-learning B2B and B2C e-Marketplaces Departure Evening Welcome event and dinner Dinner hosted by ChamberSign Dinner in Dublin city centre Gala dinner & certification ceremony ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Selection of location, course leaders and networking events ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Promotion of the event throughout the Chamber network ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Organisation the training programme in Dublin, Ireland 30 participants were selected on the basis of the pre-established criteria 15 other candidates didn’t meet the selection criteria Participants came from 15 countries, all around Europe ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Evaluation by participants ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Report on the actions and budget ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07 Results e-Business Academy Forum was successfully created. It helped to arm Chambers’ e-business experts with new, practical ideas that they can implement in their chambers It helped to create an informal network of e-business advisors High level of interaction provided significant opportunities for participants to enhance existing professional and personal contacts and networks ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07 Conclusion We must focus on key enablers for ICT uptake by SMEs: E-government E-procurement E-signature SMEs are « forced » to use ICT tools for e-government and e-procurement. It is an opportunity to create awareness We must ensure bridges with other e-business applications (demonstrators…) ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
Skills and employability To monitor the use of skills by enterprises To identify e-skills shortage in the labour market To ensure e-skills training (vocational training) To assess offshoring and brain-drain. ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07
ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07 THANKS! Vincent TILMAN Advisor - European Affairs Managing Director – ChamberSign aisbl Avenue des Arts 17 AD - B-1000 Brussels phone: +32 2 282 08 67 - fax: +32 2 230 00 38 mailto:tilman@eurochambres.eu ICT uptake for SMEs - Lisbon - 12.11.07