Marketing Essentials Unit 5: Selling Ch 12-13
Chapter 12: Preparing for the Sale Types of selling: ___________Selling: Any form of ________contact between a salesperson and a customer. ___________Selling: The salesperson answers customers’ questions about the product or its ____________.
Chapter 12: Preparing for the Sale Types of Selling Cont. _________________ Selling: Take place in a manufacturer’s show room or in a customer’s place. 4. ____________: Selling over the phone.
12.1 What is Selling? _______of Selling: help customers make buying decisions, creates ____________relationships. less expensive to keep current customers happy than to make new customers. ______________Selling: Provides _________to customers’ problems by finding products that meet their needs.
12.1 What is Selling? __________Benefit Selling: Matching characteristics of a product to a customer’s _________________. Product Features: _______________________________________________________________. Customer Benefits: personal satisfaction a customer gets from a product. Customer ____________: What motivates customers to buy Hi Sarah
Customer Buying Motives ______________ Logical reason Availability, space, time, economical, time saving, durability, etc.
Customer Buying Motives _____________ Moving, touching or expressive reason Fear, safety, pride, desire, convenience, pride, affection, love, prestige, etc.
Customer Buying Motives ______________ Proximal reason Hunger, thirst, shelter, health, comfort, convenience, entertainment, recreation, etc.
12.1 What is Selling? _______________________: Some customers need no help from salespeople, and others require time and effort Types of customer decision making: ______________Decision Making: Used when there has been little or no previous experience with an item. EX: Hi Erin
12.1 What is Selling? ______________Decision Making: Used when a person buys goods and services that he or she has purchased before but not regularly. Ex:
12.1 What is Selling? ______________Decision Making: used when a person needs little information about a product. Ex:
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell _____________: preparation for face-to-face encounter with potential customers. Product Information: Find info through experience, written publications, & other people. Businesses offer discounts to employees so they can test merchandise. ________provide info for clothing items and prepackaged goods.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell ___________Trends: sales people read periodicals to gain insight into the industry. Prospecting: looking for new customers. Employer leads: firms employ telemarketing teams to generate leads. Directories: lists businesses that may be potential customers _____________: provide good leads for some salespeople.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell _____________Lists: salespeople buy lists of potential customers from companies specializing in categorizing people. Customer Referrals: satisfied customers give salespeople the names of other people who might buy the product. Cold canvassing: potential customers are selected at _____________.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell Preparing for the Sale in Business-to-Business Selling: pre-approach depends on if the sales call is with a previous customer or a new one. Preparing for the sale in retail selling: Straightening, rearranging, and replenishing the stock. Adjusting price tickets before and after special sales.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell Preparing for the sale cont. Learning where stock is located and how much is available. __________________________________________________ Keeping the selling and display areas neat and clean.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell Company Policies and Training: ____________: 4-step process used by sales managers who are responsible for training new sales personnel. Compensation and _______________: salespeople are compensated by straight commission, straight salary, or salary plus commission.
12.2 Getting Ready to Sell Sales quotas: _______________sales goals set to achieve in a specified period of time. Legal and __________Issues: sales associates may engage in hard-selling tactics, may lie to a prospective customer.
13.1 The Sales Process ___________process: matching customer needs and wants to features and benefits of a product or service. Seven Steps of the Selling Process: ___________________-greeting the customer face to face. ___________________-learning what the customer is looking for to decide what products to show and which product features to present first
13.1 The Sales Process ____________________- educating the customer about the product’s features and benefits. ____________________-learning why the customer is reluctant to buy, providing info to remove uncertainty, and help the customer to make a satisfying buying decision.
13.1 The Sales Process _________________-getting the customer’s positive agreement to buy. ______________-suggesting additional merchandise or services that will help your customer enjoy the purchase. _______________-maintaining contact with the customer after the sale
13.1 The Sales Process Approaching the customer 3 purposes: __________________ establish a relationship focus on the product.
13.1 The Sales Process The Approach in Business-to Business Selling: depends on prior dealings with the customer or the pre-approach. The Approach in Retail Selling: __________________ undecided customers=encourage them to look around.
13.1 The Sales Process The Three Methods of Approach in Retail Selling __________Approach: asks the customer if he or she needs assistance. __________Approach: welcomes the customer to the store.
13.1 The Sales Process Merchandise Approach Method: asks questions or makes comments about a product in which the customer shows interest. Using Conversation Skills: Approaches customer and starts talking about the merchandise.
13.2 Determining Needs in sales When to Determine Needs: Example of determining wrong needs: Salesperson: “This is one of our most popular tennis rackets. It’s perfect for you- the grip is the correct size and the large sweet spot can improve your game.” Customer: “That’s very interesting; but, I’m not buying the racket for myself. It’s actually a gift for my nine-year-old daughter.”
13.2 Determining needs in sales How to Determine Needs: Three methods: ___________: look for buying motives that are communicated nonverbally. Nonverbal communication: is expressing yourself without words.
13.2 Determining needs in sales ______________: pick up clues to the customer’s needs that you can target for the product presentation. Questioning and Engaging the Customer: 1st ask general questions about the intended use of the product and any previous experience with it. Use words like: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
13.2 Determining needs in sales How to Refine Your Questioning: ______________________: more than a yes or no answer. Do’s and Don’ts Guidelines: 1. Do ask open-ended questions that encourage customers to do the talking. 2. Do ask clarifying questions to make sure you understand customers’ needs.
13.2 Determining needs in sales 3. Do not ask too many questions in a row. Makes customers feel they’re being cross-examined. 4. Do not ask questions that might embarrass customers or make them defensive.