Quiz 2 Study guide
Sections 1-2: Vocabulary Food: translate from English to Spanish (word bank provided) Personal descriptions: name the opposite of the word given. (no word bank) Section 3: Ser Fill in the blank with the correct form of SER Section 4: Time Write out the time in Spanish. Section 5: Reading Read the paragraph and answer multiple choice questions.
Vocabulary Translate from English to Spanish (be sure to use el or la) Egg Tea Lobster Ham Write the opposite of the word given. Bajo Interesante Joven bonita
Ser: Fill in the blank with the correct form of ser. Marcos _______ muy inteligente. Ellas _______ de Bolivia. Nosotros ________ ingenieros Ustedes no _________ tontos.
Time: Write out the time in Spanish Time: Write out the time in Spanish. Be sure to include de la mañana, de la tarde, or de la noche. 3:18 pm 9:28 am 8:48 pm 4:30 pm