Michigan Avenue Athletic Club
Experience the Finest State of the art equipment Attractive facilities Experienced staff Personalized training Individual coaching Group classes also available Reminder: Facilities have been extensively upgraded in the past year. 12/2/2018
We Outrun Our Competitors MAAC Hopkins Total Fitness Affordable individual and family memberships More flexible hours Opens at 6:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday Some holiday hours Experienced staff and trainers Family members must join individually Limited hours Opens at 9:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. Saturday Closed on all holidays No trainers MAAC has consistently been rated higher than Hopkins in the Best of the City awards. 12/2/2018
Staff Training All staff members are trained in Fitness and nutrition Equipment safety and use Exercise regime planning Ratio of staff to members: 1 to 10 12/2/2018
Benefits of Membership Extended hours Personal trainer at no extra cost Personal nutrition planning available Discount at The MAAC Shop 12/2/2018
Special Programs Senior fitness classes Yoga—Hatha, Ashtanga, Lyengar High and low impact aerobics Spinning Water walking and aquacize 12/2/2018
Find Your Center at Michigan New at Michigan Avenue Athletic Club: Yoga for all skill levels Barre classes Pilates 12/2/2018