Hungary Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe.
It is situated in the Carpathian Basin and is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine, and Romania to the east, Serbia, and Croatia to the south, Slovenia to the southwest and Austria to the west.
Hungary in the map. Hungary is located in Central Europe and has an area of 93,030 km. Hungary's neighbors: Austria to the west, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia - in the south and south-west, Romania to the south-east, Ukraine to the north-east and the north of Slovakia.
The country's capital, and largest city, is Budapest. In Budapest are so many beautiful historical monuments.
Its flag of Hungary. Flag of Hungary is a combination of horizontal stripes of green, white and red colors.
Hungarian Forint Hungary forint currency.
Most of the inhabitants of Hungary - Hungary (92.3%). Native language, almost 95% of the population of Hungary – Hungarian.
Religion In the XI century, the Hungarians were converted to Christianity. In the XVI century, the majority of Hungarians took Protestantism, but in the XVII century in the period of the Counter-Reformation Catholicism became the dominant religion. Now 64% of believers - Catholics and 23% - Protestants (among them prevail Calvinists have Lutherans).
Hungarian food is very tasty!
Rivers in Hungary. Hungary's largest rivers: the Danube, Tisa, Rab, Koros, and Maros, Zadva.
Transport in Hungary Length of transport network thousand km. Leading railway company Magyar Államvasútak. In Budapest, the three main railway stations are Eastern, Western and Southern. In Hungary, there are motorway: M0 - M1 - M2 - M15 - M3 - M30 - M35 - M5 - M6 - M7 - M70. Total length of roads: 188,490 km km of navigable waterways. In Hungary, there are about airports, including also small. Trams in Budapest are the busiest in the world. Interval in the rush hour is seconds. Part of the route - the same as in 1887, when launched the first electric trams. In the Hungarian capital Budapest underground works, which includes 40 stations, and the length of the lines is 31.7 km of lines.
Sport in Hungary. Sports in Hungary - one of the most important components of culture in Hungary. Hungary is one of the most famous sports countries in the world mainly due to the generation of the legendary players of 's. Hungary national football team is one of the most famous. In Hungary, a very well- developed water sports, which are dominated by normal swimming. National water polo team also known for being the first team defeated the USSR in the sport at the Olympics in Melbourne.
Attractions Hungary. In Hungary there are many interesting and beautiful places.
Abbey Pannonhalma Pannonhalma small Hungarian town is home to the abbey, founded by Benedictine monks over a thousand years ago. The height of the hill where the abbey is located, is 280 m. Its very beautiful!
Waterpark «Aquaworld» Budapest. Waterpark Aquaworld is a unique structure to compete with who can not, no similar construction. However, the technical equipment of the water park has no analogues in the world spaces. Water Park has become a tourist symbol of Budapest and Hungary.
Vysehrad castle Waterpark Aquaworld is a unique structure to compete with who can not, no similar construction. However, the technical equipment of the water park has no analogues in the world spaces. Water Park has become a tourist symbol of Budapest and Hungary.
The Royal Palace in Budapest. The Royal Palace in Budapest - a majestic structure are apartments Hungarian kings since the thirteenth century. Repeatedly destroyed (sometimes to the ground) Palace and today adorns the capital of Hungary, as its main attraction. At present, the royal palace are several museums, where you can learn about the history of the Hungarian capital, Budapest, to visit the National Gallery.
Szechenyi Chain Bridge One of the most beautiful symbols of Budapest is the Szechenyi Chain Bridge. The bridge was built with 39 to 49 year in the 12 century, During its existence, the bridge has experienced a lot of different tests. However, the bridge and still pleases residents and visitors to the Hungarian capital.
In Hungary beautiful nature.