You Can Do To Save The Lost


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Presentation transcript:

You Can Do To Save The Lost Four Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Lost

City on hill  Lamp on a stand Matthew 5:14-16 We are like a… City on hill  Lamp on a stand Jesus Christ is the Light (John 14:6: 8:12; 9:5) We are light in Him (Eph 5:8; 1 John 1:7)

What we “ought” to speak Colossians 4:6 What we “ought” to speak Honesty (Eph 4:25) The word of God (Eph 4:15) The authority of Christ (Matt 10:31-32)

John 1:40-42; 1:45-46; 4:29 Andrew invited his brother - to Christ Philip invited a study - of Christ The Woman invited interaction - with Christ

Treating guests here as we would treat guests in our homes. James 2:1-4, 8-9 Treating guests here as we would treat guests in our homes.

We CAN Shine, Speak, Invite & Welcome! We CAN work with God! We CAN Shine, Speak, Invite & Welcome!