Warm-Up: Values and Choices *Do NOT Look at your cards.*


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up: Values and Choices *Do NOT Look at your cards.* What do you value most in your Life? (may be past, present, or future)

Prioritize your checklist What do you value most on this list? Rank from most important to least important. What are you willing to give away to get what you value?

The Great Trade Work in your group only. You have 4 minutes to trade away your least valuable cards to get your most valuable cards.

You now have 4 minutes to trade with anyone. The Great Trade You now have 4 minutes to trade with anyone. Collect the highest number possible of your high value cards.

How many cards were you able to collect for your #1 value? The Great Trade How many cards were you able to collect for your #1 value? What were you willing to trade away to get what you wanted?

The Devil and Tom Walker BY Washington Irving Look For and Note Examples of: Dark Romanticism Residual Puritan Values Values and Choices Omniscient Point-Of-View (Narrator is outside the action, All-Knowing, and makes commentary on the story and all characters)

Constructed Response Practice: Choose One Summarize the story, providing evidence as to how the story is dark romantic, represents residual puritan values, and uses an omniscient point-of-view to enhance the reader’s experience. Connect the story to the trading game; discuss the ideas of values and choices in both. Provide evidence to show how sometimes one might give up something important in order to obtain something of more value.