How is your area of employment classified? Radiographers Radiologists Urban 69.2% 252 Rural 13.5% 49 Mix of both Urban & Rural 17.3% 63 Urban 81.8% 36 Rural 2.3% 1 Mix of both Urban & Rural 15.9% 7 2018/12/02
What are your normal working hours? Radiographers Radiologists 8hours - day only service 37.3% 135 8hours - day plus call afterhours 43.9% 159 8hours - plus full night service 19.6% 71 8hours - day only service 11.1% 5 8hours - day plus call afterhours 73.3% 33 8hours - plus full night service 15.6% 7 2018/12/02
What is the nature of your employment Radiographers Radiologists Full Time 83.4% 311 Part Time 8.6% 32 Self employed 5.9% 22 Not applicable 2.1% 8 Full Time 67.4% 31 Part Time 15.2% 7 Self employed 17.4% 8 Not applicable 0.0% 2018/12/02
In the absence of the radiologist, who injects contrast media? Radiographers Radiologists Professional nurses 20.6% 71 Medical officers 34.0% 117 Radiographers 21.5% 74 No one 29.1% 100 Other health professional 8.1% 28 Professional nurses 23.3% 10 Medical officers 39.5% 17 Radiographers 20.9% 9 No one 37.2% 16 Other health professional 11.6% 5 2018/12/02
Have you ever injected contrast media? Radiographers Yes 33.4% 118 No 53.3% 188 Sometimes 6.5% 23 Never 6.8% 24 2018/12/02
Did you undergo a pre- approved and certified (HPCSA accredited) education and training course on injecting contrast media? Radiographers. Yes 4.6% 16 No 95.4% 331 2018/12/02
Did you undergo a pre-approved and certified (accredited) training course on injecting Contrast Media provided by another regulator besides HPCSA? Radiographers Yes 12.6% 44 No 87.4% 305 2018/12/02
Did you undergo a clinical department organised (in-house) training on injecting contrast media? Radiographers Yes 24.5% 85 No 75.5% 262 2018/12/02
When you are present, do you inject contrast media? Radiologists Yes 44.2% 19 No 14.0% 6 Sometimes 39.5% 17 Never 2.3% 1 2018/12/02
Radiographers Radiologists Are you at times compelled to inject contrast media? Radiographers Do you ask radiographers to inject? Radiologists Yes 20.6% 72 No 59.0% 206 Sometimes 11.5% 40 Never 8.9% 31 Yes 34.9% 15 No 51.2% 22 Sometimes 11.6% 5 Never 2.3% 1 2018/12/02