Roundtable on Skills and Competences Dresden, 04th June 2018 Voucher to support further education for employees an self employed in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Roundtable on Skills and Competences Dresden, 04th June 2018 Friedhelm Keuken
in brief Objective: Increase of employability through increase in participation in further education Target group: employees of SME and self-employed Year of introduction: 2006 Funding: 50% ESF, 50% private Budget: 7 million EUR per year, rising up to 30 million per year within the next years
Funding of online education (webinars etc.) Current innovations Funding of online education (webinars etc.) Funding of in house trainings New target group: self employed
SME for their employees Self employed Eligible Employees of SME SME for their employees Self employed
Application procedure More than 200 agencies with some 540 agents offer the voucher The voucher covers 50% of the trainings costs, max. 500€ The training provider reduces the costs for the trainees and receives the subsidy by the grant authority
Contacts Thank you very much for your attention Friedhelm Keuken