7th Grade Social Studies


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Presentation transcript:

7th Grade Social Studies Types oF government

SS7CG1 SS7CG1: The student will compare and contrast various forms of government

Describe the ways the government systems distribute power SS7CG1a SS7CG1a Describe the ways the government systems distribute power Unitary Confederation Federal

SS7CG1a Unitary Government: Power is held by one central authority

SS7CG1a Confederation: Voluntary associations of independent states

SS7CG1a Federal Government: Power is divided between one central government and several regional governments

ss7cg1b SS7CG1b: Explain how governments determine citizen participation Autocratic Oligarchic Democratic

ss7cg1b Autocracy: One person possesses unlimited power The citizen has little or no role in the government

ss7cg1b Oligarchy: Government ruled by a few A small group exercises control The citizen has a very limited role

ss7cg1b Democracy: A government in which supreme power is vested with the people

ss7cg1c SS7CG1c: Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments Parliamentary Presidential

ss7cg1c Parliamentary Democracy: Power is held by the legislature Executive power may be held by a small group of legislators or by the office of the prime minister If there is a president, the office is elected by the legistalure

ss7cg1c Presidential Democracy: President is constitutionally independent of the legislature The president is elected in a free election