Setting Up Parent Command Center
Go to Click on the “Parents” tab in the upper right hand corner Select “Parent Command Center” in the left-hand column
- On the login page, select the option >Register a New User
All information on this page must match the school records The PSN is the last five numbers of the student’s social security number
Point System Elementary schools calculate averages on a letter grade system High school uses a point system to average grades.
Example: Letter grade average #1 20/20 = A 4.0 #2 0/20 = F 0.0 Average = 2.0 = C Point average #1 20/20 = A #2 0/20 = F Average = 20/40 = F #2 10/20 = F Average = 30/40 = C
Cumulative Grading All grades earned are cumulative throughout each semester Points and grading will only start over in January at the beginning of the spring semester.
Grading Scales Regular A = 93 – 100 B = 85 – 92 C = 75 – 84 F = 0 – 66 Honors A = 90 – 100 B = 80 – 89 C = 70 – 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 0 – 59