Internet-based monitoring and control of embedded systems PROGRESS PROJECT EES.5413 5th meeting Johan Lukkien 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
5th meeting of project EES.5413 Agenda Opening Agenda Announcements Current state Overview Presentation: Yarema Mazuryk Perspective, project goals Utilization Peter Peters User group Next meeting Closing 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
5th meeting of project EES.5413 Organizational Extension was granted in January 2004 Thang Tranmanh decided not to continue Yarema Mazuryk will leave in February Jinfeng to graduate in April 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
Evolution of embedded networking network central network central network aware network aware time standalone standalone network connected network connected fully networked fully networked 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
Service oriented architectures Context: network central devices make internal capabilities available as services host new components / applications cooperate to establish ‘platform’-services to distributed applications e.g. resource use Software representation, methodology: service oriented architectures 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
5th meeting of project EES.5413 Activities Language proposal for service orientation create service examples Investigation into UPnP usability (file service example) alternate protocol prototype & performance evaluation .... towards a ‘best of all’ S.O.A. Tooling for service development (UPnP based) Extra-functional properties security, [faul-tolerance] Student projects service composition SOA gateway Thesis-writing Huang Progress workshop, conference visits posters, articles 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413
5th meeting of project EES.5413 Perspective Finalization and prototype implementation of the service program notation hierarchical service composition tooling Finalization and prototype implementation of rule-based cooperation Graduation Huang 12/2/2018 5th meeting of project EES.5413