Title of eLearning Module AUDIO NARRATION: Introduce yourself just like you would in lecture. For example, tell them your name, departmental affiliation, clinical interests, and research interests. Talk about why the content of the module is important and will help them (in their education and/or careers) and welcome them to contact you with any questions. On the slide, enter the module title and your name (with degree), title and departmental affiliation, and email address. Johhny Hippocrates, MD Assistant Professor of Western Medicine hippocrates@osumc.edu
Learning Objectives List the learning objectives for your module. These objectives must match what is listed for your module in VITALS. If you are not sure what these are, check with your block leader. See the Notes panel for this slide for an important tip on narrating your objectives slide. AUDIO NARRATION: Learning objectives may change from year to year, so when narrating this slide, do NOT read all of the objectives (otherwise you will need to re-record the narration every time the wording of the objectives changes). Instead, use generic language such as this: “These are the learning objectives for this module. Upon completion of the module, you should be able to accomplish each of these objectives.”
Learning Resources If you would like to share any relevant resources (e.g., articles, textbook pages, websites) with students, list them here. If not, this slide can be deleted.
Content: General Tips Try to keep your module to 30 minutes or less Use key terms on the slide rather than lots of bulleted text; you will eventually explain the slide with audio narration in Articulate and for now you should put details (and/or a transcript of your audio narration) in the Notes panel Make sure every slide has a title (slide titles are used in the navigation menu of the Articulate player) Use images and graphics whenever appropriate Later you can use Articulate’s Annotations tool to highlight key parts of images Describe or explain images and graphics in your audio narration and in the Notes panel
Content: General Tips This file includes a lot of documentation and sample slides; delete all of the slides you do not need or use before submitting to the EdTech team or your block leader The following components are required for all modules: Title Slide Learning Objectives Instructional Content Formative Quiz Summary Slide Thank You Slide
Content: Instructional Design Tips Teaching facts Practice: have students recall or recognize facts, match terms to definitions, etc. Provide or encourage mnemonics if student is expected to memorize Provide them succinctly and link them to previous knowledge
Content: Instructional Design Tips Teaching concepts (categories or “kinds of” information) Practice: have students classify new examples Highlight the differences and similarities between the examples and non-examples Provide several additional examples and non-examples of the concept (select non-examples that are almost examples, but not quite) Provide concept name, definition, and a prototype or “best” example
Content: Instructional Design Tips Teaching procedures (step-by-step activities or “how-to” information) Practice: have students “simulate” procedure by: Identifying the correct next step given a partially completed procedure Determining whether or not a given step was completed correctly or not Determining what should be done when a step is not completed correctly Demonstrate the procedure in several different situations (videos are great for this) Emphasize the feedback or cues at the end of each step that indicate it was successful (or not) and what to do if it is not Provide the steps and their sequence These tips are customized somewhat for self-paced, electronic delivery of instruction. In-person teaching of procedures would obviously involve the student practicing the actual procedure and receiving coaching and feedback on his or her performance.
Content: Instructional Design Tips Teaching processes (series of actions/changes or “what happens” information) Practice: have students: Make predictions about the outcomes of the process (given a set of conditions) Correct the faulted conditions to obtain a desired outcome Focus the learner’s attention on the consequences of each event in the process (and the process as a whole) During the demonstration, name and show each necessary condition for each event in the process Show the process in several different situations (videos, animations, or diagrams may work well for this) Provide a description of the process and the conditions and consequences involved
Content: Audio Narration Every slide will eventually include audio narration You will add your narration later using Articulate; do NOT use PowerPoint’s built-in audio recording tool Prepare a script (either specific or just listing key talking points) and include it in the Notes panel. This helps because: When recording, you will be able to see your Notes on each slide Students will have written transcript of your narration More information: http://osumcedtech.com/training/articulate/newmodule/step5/audionarration AUDIO NARRATION Every slide should include audio narration. Putting your script or talking points here in the Notes panel is great for both you and students!
Content: SmartArt Illustrations and graphics can often improve understanding and retention more than text alone (and help you avoid “Death by Bullet Point” PowerPoint's SmartArt feature provides an easy way to attractively display lists, processes, cycles, hierarchies, relationships, and more See a demo and some instructions: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint-help/demo-spice-up-your-text-with-smartart-graphics-HA010198308.aspx Examples are provided on the next few slides
Content: SmartArt List Example SmartArt Example Easy to Use Write Some Bullet Points Click “Convert to SmartArt” to See Options
Content: SmartArt Process Example SmartArt Example Easy to Use Write Some Bullet Points Click “Convert to SmartArt” to See Options
Content: SmartArt Cycle Example SmartArt Example Easy to Use Write Some Bullet Points Click “Convert to SmartArt” to See Options
Content: SmartArt Hierarchy Example SmartArt Example Easy to Use Maybe Hopefully Write Some Bullet Points And whatnot Click “Convert to SmartArt” See Options Select One
Content: SmartArt Random Funnel Example Click “Convert to SmartArt” to See Options Write Some Bullet Points Easy to Use SmartArt Example
Content: SmartArt Pyramid Example SmartArt Example Easy to Use Write Some Bullet Points Click “Convert to SmartArt” to See Options
Content: Engage Interactions Articulate includes a tool called Engage Interactions that allows the creation and display of dynamic, interactive content The effects of some Engage Interactions can also be accomplished (more easily) with PowerPoint tools Engage Interactions will be added later using Articulate, but you can add the content for them to your initial PowerPoint file More information: http://osumcedtech.com/training/articulate/newmodule/step5/engage
Summary Provide a summary of your module’s key points
Formative Quiz Provide 3-5 multiple-choice questions that assess your module’s learning objectives Include feedback for both correct and incorrect answer options if possible/appropriate You have 3 options for creating your quiz: Use the table on the next slide to enter your questions (copy the slide or table for each question) and the EdTech team will place them in an Articulate quiz Write your questions in a Word document and send them to us along with your PowerPoint file and the EdTech team will place them in an Articulate quiz Create your questions in Articulate Quizmaker yourself
Copy this slide for each question in your quiz Formative Quiz Question 1 This is the first question Correct Answer This is the correct answer Feedback: This is why it is correct Distractor 1 This is the first distractor Feedback: This is why it is not correct Distractor 2 This is the second distractor Distractor 3 This is the third distractor Copy this slide for each question in your quiz
Thank you for completing this module ? Questions? Contact me at: email@osumc.edu AUDIO NARRATION Thank the student, provide any concluding comments, ask them to contact you with any questions
References If you cited any specific sources, provide the complete references here. If you didn’t, this slide can be deleted.