Monday November 17, 2008 Agenda HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT: Materials Needed: Notebook Pen/Pencil HOMEWORK STRIKE SYSTEM IN EFFECT: COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK AND JGHG OUT BEFORE BELL Agenda GET JGHG BOOK BEFORE BELL! Discussion: Homecoming’s over…now what? Discussion: Where are we going with JGHG? Warm up in notebook The Daily Two Slide Review/Preview Johnny Got His Gun Period 1, 2: Chapter 8 Period 3: Chapter 4 POP QUIZ #7 WEDNESDAY Period 4, 6: Chapter 5 FCA #4 Tomorrow bring pencil Objective(s): Apply previous FCA skills by answering JGHG questions and engaging in class discussion.
JGHG: Where are we going? NO NOTES JGHG: Where are we going? Monday—continue reading. Wednesday—star cards in groups Thurs/Fri: body biography group project. summary: more group work, poetry making a come back—questions tying up into FCAT/FCA standards—what we learn will help you pass your test.
5 PEOPLE NEEDED FOR DISCUSSION WARM UP 11/17 [3 min] 5 PEOPLE NEEDED FOR DISCUSSION So far in our story, we’ve only gotten to know Joe—his situation and his thoughts. Imagine for a moment that you are Joe’s nurse. When you see him, what goes through your mind? Are you tempted at all to kill him? How do you try to make him comfortable? Any other thoughts about Joe from the nurse’s point of view?
11/17 [3 min] (3rd period only) WARM UP 11/17 [3 min] (3rd period only) 5 PEOPLE NEEDED FOR DISCUSSION What is unreliable narrator? When we read yesterday, how was the “bedroom/staring at Kareen’s feet” scene an example of unreliable narrator? Use as much detail as you can. Describe Joe’s reaction to losing his left arm. Would you react in a similar way? Why or why not?
Review (1/2 PERIOD) Chapter 5: OPTIONAL NOTES Review (1/2 PERIOD) Chapter 5: Joe imagines himself drowning in a river because he has no arms. Joe tries to move his legs and realizes that he has none. He then tries to scream and realizes he has no tongue…or a nose…or a mouth.
Review (3 PERIOD) Chapter 3 OPTIONAL NOTES Review (3 PERIOD) Chapter 3 Joe’s left arm is chopped off—then remembers the wedding ring on it. Flashback’s to his last night with Kareen (girlfriend) before the war. He loses both of his arms.
Review (4/6 PERIOD) Chapter 4 OPTIONAL NOTES Review (4/6 PERIOD) Chapter 4 Joe’s first job as a railroad worker. Joe and his friend Howie are there because of breakups with their girlfriends. They return home in Joe’s flashblack—he awakes and cries.
Preview (1/2 PERIOD) Chapter 8: TAKE NOTES Preview (1/2 PERIOD) Chapter 8: Introduction to the nurse character. Joe awakens from a nightmare of being eaten alive by a rat. Joe has trouble telling the difference between “real” and “dreaming,” and vows to do his best not to think about things of the past.
Preview (3 PERIOD) Chapter 4 TAKE NOTES Preview (3 PERIOD) Chapter 4 Joe’s first job as a railroad worker. Joe and his friend Howie are there because of breakups with their girlfriends. They return home in Joe’s flashblack—he awakes and cries.
Preview (4/6 PERIOD) Chapter 5: TAKE NOTES Preview (4/6 PERIOD) Chapter 5: Joe imagines himself drowning in a river because he has no arms. Joe tries to move his legs and realizes that he has none. He then tries to scream and realizes he has no tongue…or a nose…or a mouth.
JGHG Questions Chapter 4 NO NOTES JGHG Questions Chapter 4 Why do Joe and Howie get jobs? Would you do the same thing? Why? Why did Joe punch his best friend? Would you have done the same thing?