alpha beta gamma electron energy electron energy electron positive protons electrons positive electron negative
An beta particle is an electron. unstable stable impossible An beta particle is an electron. It is emitted from the nucleus when a neutron decays into a proton and an electron (The Antineutrino is not covered at GCSE) A gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation (high frequency). It is emitted when alpha or beta particles are emitted and energy is left over. An alpha particle is two protons and two neutrons. It breaks free from an unstable nucleus
Low High Medium Medium High Low Alpha radiation is the largest of the three, so is most likely to collide (causing low penetrating power) and will collide with more electrons (high ionising power). Medium Medium Beta radiation is the smaller than Alpha, so is less likely to collide (causing lower penetrating power) and will collide with fewer electrons (lower ionising power). High Low Gamma radiation is much smaller than beta as it is just a wave and has no mass, so is less likely to collide (causing lower penetrating power) and will collide with fewer electrons (lower ionising power). Alpha radiation is absorbed by a few cm of air, so despite it being the most ionising, it is likely not to reach me due to its low penetrating power.
Very low power electronics on satellites and probes Nuclear power stations Nuclear bombs (A-bombs) Stars (e.g. our Sun) Fission occurs when a neutron collides with a Uranium 235 nucleus, making a Uranium 236 nucleus. This is unstable, and so it splits into two daughter nuclei and two or three neutrons, causing a release of energy (some of the mass of the nucleus turns into energy).
The fission process begins with a neutron colliding with a Uranium 235 nucleus. The fission process emits two or three neutrons. If one of these neutrons collides with another Uranium 235 nucleus, another fission reaction will occur. In uncontrolled nuclear fission, more than one neutron causes more fission at each stage, causing the rate of the reaction to escalate (increase rapidly). ensuring only one neutron from each reaction collides with another Uranium 235 nucleus. This way the rate of reaction remains constant, so the power output (energy transferred each second) is constant. Control rods Uranium fuel rods If the neutron collides at too high a speed, it will not join the Uranium 235 nucleus, so fission will not occur. The moderator slows the neutrons down to speed up the reaction. Control rods absorb neutrons. If the reaction is too fast, the control rods are pushed in to absorb more neutrons and prevent some reactions taking place. If the reaction is too slow, the control rods are pulled out to absorb fewer neutrons and increase the rate of reaction. Moderator
Generates thermal energy by nuclear fission Uses the thermal energy to turn pure water into steam Converts thermal energy in steam to kinetic energy Converts kinetic energy into electrical energy Converts the steam back into water by transferring the thermal energy into non-purified water Transfers the thermal energy in the non-purified water into the atmosphere
alpha beta gamma hydrogen 1 2 fuse helium helium neutron energy helium
The product is a different element to the reactant Mass is converted into energy Neutrons are released Neutrons carry energy away as kinetic energy Thermal energy is released in large quantities. (Kinetic energy of particles = thermal energy) Large nuclei breaking apart Small nuclei fusing together Chain reaction Not a chain reaction Can occur at room temperature and pressure Requires very high temperatures and pressures Fuel and waste are highly radioactive Fuel and waste are not at all radioactive 0.1% of mass is released as energy 0.3% of mass is released as energy
Deuterium and Tritium nuclei are repelled by electrostatic repulsion Deuterium and Tritium nuclei are repelled by electrostatic repulsion. The faster they move towards each other, the closer they will get before the repulsion deflects them in the opposite direction. At a high enough temperature, the nuclei are travelling fast enough to get within 3fm, where the strong nuclear force starts to exert an attraction, causing the nuclei to fuse. If the plasma of Deuterium and Tritium is under high pressure, the nuclei are closer together to start with. This means less energy is required to bring them close enough together to fuse, so a lower temperature is required. In addition, there is more chance of a collision if the nuclei are closer together. temperature pressure ionised magnetic magnetic energy magnetic The efficiency of the electromagnets should be increased, so less energy is required to set up and maintain the magnetic fields. Even if the energy required to do this is 99% of the energy output, there is enough energy released by a fusion reactor for the remaining 1% to power a small city, so be commercially viable.
‘Cold fusion’ would have to be repeated in multiple labs by different scientists. Data would have to be collected and analysed by leading scientists in the field. All other possible explanations for the data would have to be discounted. An experiment would have to be devised where predictions could be made which would only happen if fusion were in fact occurring.