Experimental statistics DIME/ITDG SG 10 November 2017
Experimental statistics: why? Pilot dissemination of statistics with a different level of maturity New sources (big data), new methods (modelling) Better answer user needs: "fill the gaps" Should be interpreted with care (logo, methodology) Launching a debate
Experimental statistics: so far so good Title Date of release Skills mismatch indicators 08/08/2017 Income, Consumption and wealth 04/07/2017 Food price monitoring tool 08/06/2017 Labour market flow data based on modelling World heritage sites Early estimation of income distribution (Flash estimates) 15/09/2017
Labour market transitions
Skills mismatch indicators Over-qualification rate Job mismatch by field of education
Prices from farm to consumer
Eurostat online database Includes web services and bulk download
User Feedback and comments Good to see innovation & experimentation. Thanks for sharing! Another step forward from data to knowledge. Thumbs up and many thanks Very interesting, new! A good way to push innovation in official statistics
Impact on audience 15 600 page views (mainly external) 8 000 for introduction, 1 000-2 000 per product 4 983 access data Top: Food Price Monitoring Tool and Income, Consumption and Wealth 450 access methodology Same for ICW, Labour market flow and World Heritage sites
Areas for improvement Promotion: general and targeted, also through social media Visibility of the section experimental statistics Simplify feedback function User forum
ESS social network for advanced statistics users Part of WP1 "User analysis" of DIGICOM Main objectives: facilitate knowledge sharing between producers of official statistics allow ongoing dialogue between users and producers European Statistics User Forum was identified as platform (survey in April 2017) Pilot launched in October 2017