Regional Energy Consumption Statistics Pedro Ferreira Eurostat
Outline of my talk The need for regional energy and environment data Collecting regional energy consumption data State of play Environment data
The need for regional data The debate about energy efficiency, renewable types of energy, climate changes, environment, carbon emissions is growing in importance Regions are not similar in their energy efficiency, nor in their energy needs, nor in their carbon emissions Energy prices affect regions in different ways due to varying levels of demand and different climate The Commission needs energy consumption data and environment indicators at a regional level in order to monitor its policies
Collecting regional energy data Collecting regional energy consumption data is a two phase process: Check feasibility If feasible, develop the process of collecting, compiling and disseminating the data
Checking the feasibility for energy data The Working Group “Energy Statistics Committee” met in June in Luxembourg In this meeting, the Member States were asked to reply about their regional data availability Eurostat asked for consumption data broken by type of energy and type of users for NUTS level 2 regions
State of play… Only 3 Member States have not yet replied: Belgium, Germany and Ireland Hungary was considered “not feasible” but some regional data is available The coverage regarding the number of regions and regarding the total EU-27 energy consumption will be presented
Coverage by region (1) Out of the 268 NUTS level 2 regions: There is data for 155 regions (58%) There is no data for 59 regions (22%) We are still waiting for the reply for 54 regions (20%) Coverage in the best scenario: 78% Coverage in the worse scenario: 58%
Coverage by region (2)
Coverage by consumption (1) Using the energy consumption data for 2005: 54% of regional consumption is covered 23% is not covered We are still waiting for the remaining 23% Coverage in the best scenario: 77% Coverage in the worse scenario: 54%
Coverage by region (2)
First conclusions The reply of Germany will set the “optimistic level”, since it’s the biggest country regarding the number of regions and energy consumption There is good reason to continue with this project, since the creation of regional energy consumption data is possible Some countries will have to start a new data collection to complete the objective
Identified problems In some countries the data is spread over several institutes It is crucial that the RESCO’s centralize the data flow There are some minor issues like incomplete data that should be tackled on a case by case basis
Environment Regional energy consumption should not be dissociated from the environmental implications It is also crucial to start a discussion regarding regional environment data Proposals for regional environment indicators are more than welcome Regional Energy and Regional Environment data has to be available in a near future
Thank you for your attention!