Bell Work: ISN page Draw a chart like the one below. Use textbook pages 747 – 748 to find the missing information. Nazi Party Fascist Party Communist.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Work: ISN page Draw a chart like the one below. Use textbook pages 747 – 748 to find the missing information. Nazi Party Fascist Party Communist Party Dictator Country

WWI – Treaty of Versailles Signed June 28, 1919 Germany had to: Pay billions of dollars in reparations Completely disarm Wilson did not want to punish the defeated nations. Europe wanted revenge. America’s objections to treaty: too hard on Germany, League of Nations would keep America involved in the problems of other nations. Returning to a period of isolationism.

WWI – Treaty of Versailles Completely disarm Give up overseas colonies Give up some land in Europe Wilson did not want to punish the defeated nations. Europe wanted revenge. America’s objections to treaty: too hard on Germany, League of Nations would keep America involved in the problems of other nations. Returning to a period of isolationism.

Great Depression- 1929 - 1942 Severe economic crisis Business activity slowed sharply Unemployment rose

Mussolini - Italy First dictator in Europe after WWI Fascist – a non-democratic form of government that stresses the greatness of a race or nation Called Il Duce – the leader

Outlawed all other political parties Took away people’s rights Stopped newspapers from reporting any news that he didn’t like

Built up the military and attacked other countries; Ethiopia in 1935 League of Nations mildly protested 1939 – Italy invaded Albania

Hitler - Germany Played on people’s emotions like Mussolini Led the National Socialist Party (Nazi Party) – believed that Germans were superior to others

Blamed Jews for Germany’s problems Anti-Semitism, hatred of Jews, had many terrible results

Gained power in 1939 and ended democracy Set up totalitarian rule – gets rids of all opposition and government controls every aspect of life

Sought to dominate other nations as well as Germany Breaks treaty and rebuilt Germany’s military Formed an alliance with Italy in 1936

Soviet Union Joseph Stalin rose to power in late 1920s Communist leader – killed rivals and sent millions he thought were disloyal to labor camps

Japan Lacked jobs and food during the depression Military leaders believed Japan needed more land and resources.

September, 1931 – invaded Manchuria in northeastern China League of Nations criticized Japan but did nothing else

Hideki Tojo – one of the generals who led the invasion later become Prime Minister 1937 – Japanese army invaded China

1940 – joins Germany and Italy in the “Axis” alliance

United States Between 1935 and 1937 Congress passed the Neutrality Acts Laws said that the US could not lend money or sell weapons to nations at war

United States European nations still had not paid back WWI loans Most Americans wanted to stay out of problems in other lands