Chapter 12: Archiving Rationale to tidy up project items easy to reuse later can learn for future projects
What needs to be archived Formal documents All contractual documents such as final proposal, any terms and conditions, right agreements, any agreements, sign-off documents, confidential agreements, contracts Sorted and filed accordingly for quick access later List showing where assets such as video master tapes, audio tapes, and code backup are being held necessary
What needs to be archived Scripts and assets Text copied of the final scripts are held with their electronic files Make a list for the archive files and date showing what was returned and when If using external assets from picture libraries or museums, that compiled a list Normally the video and audio taped can be recycled Held the master of video an audio tapes off-site for security purposes, recorded the location and date transfer for the formal set of documents
What needs to be archived Budget information Keep the actual time and cost against the predicted time and cost as stipulated in the final proposal agreement because it will help for future project. Can help become better at predicting time and costs on the other projects and to make sharper decisions about risk factors.
Closing the project Once all the archiving is in place, all assets have been returned if required, then the project is properly finished Even though archiving is a neglected area but a systematic approach to archiving projects will benefits you and the company