Nathaniel Rochester Community School New Teacher Introduction STEM New Teacher Introduction
Welcome to NRCS! We are excited that you are about to embark on this very exciting STEM journey with us! Agenda: August 29, 2016 1:00-1:15 Icebreaker-Balancing Cup 1:15-1:25 Welcome: Mr. Moore 1:25-1:35 Introductions (STEM Team, Administrators, New Staff) 1:35-1:50 PowerPoint presentation 1:50-2:00 Mr. Moore & Peter: NRCS School-wide Expectations 2:00-2:15 Preview Foss materials 2:15-2:45 FOSS: Sequence of Units/Ritual and Routine Lessons and Model of a Second Grade FOSS lesson - Solids and Liquids 2:45-3:00 Questions and Answers 3:00 Ticket out the door
BALANCING CUP (PHYSICS) Can you defy gravity and the laws of physics? Materials • 4 red Solo cups (same size) • Three tongue depressors • 10 steel nuts (weights) Platform Position 3 plastic cups in a triangular shape (opening up top). Place one end of the craft stick on the lip of each cup. Position the 3 craft sticks to create a platform to hold a 4th cup up in the middle of the triangle of the 3 Solo cups. A craft stick may not bridge any 2 cups. The craft sticks may touch other craft sticks. I Wonder… I Notice…
STEM STEM education is an approach to teaching and learning that integrates the content and skills of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
NRCS STEM Goals Increase student interest in and enthusiasm for STEM-related topics and careers. Increase student achievement in Science, Math, ELA and Social Studies through our Instructional Strategies of Modeling and Questioning. Increase student attendance at NRCS.
Just the Facts Teachers at the elementary level… 81% feel very well prepared to teach reading/language arts. 77% feel very well prepared to teach mathematics 39% percent feel very well prepared to teach science. 2012 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education (NSSME)
NRCS STEM Expectations Common Core: ELA and Math FOSS: Instructional (science) program K-6 Daily instruction (minimum 45 minutes per day) Interdisciplinary connection to ELA, Math, Social St., and Exploratory classes. Monthly STEM Challenge: Teacher intro. at weekly STEM release times Two sessions of PIE time each week is designated for working on STEM Challenge in the classroom. Class competition at the end of each month School Wide competition at the end of each month STEM Notebooks All students use consistently One piece of formative assessment/evidence of student learning
STEM Programs at NRCS RMSC First LEGO League STEM EXPO 2 times a year Family Science & Engineering Night Genesee Country Village Invention Convention and Structures Jr. First LEGO League Engineering Academy RWC RYSC Bedtime Math-PIE Future City Competition STEM Career Week Engineering is Elementary – PIE Time
Full Option Science System
Science/STEM Rituals and Routines FOSS Investigation: Solids and Liquids
Primary K-2 Level EDP
Intermediate/Middle Grades 3-8 Level EDP
NRCS STEM Website Questions and Answers Ticket Out the Door