Measurements and Conversions
Metric Base Units Length – Meter (m) Mass – Gram (g) Volume – Liter (L) Time – Seconds (s) Temperature – Kelvin (K) Celsius (˚C) Conversion K = ˚C – 273.15 Current – Amp (A)
Physics or SI (Système international) Base Units Length – Meter (m) Mass – Kilogram (kg) only difference Volume – Liter (L) Time – Seconds (s) Temperature – Kelvin (K) or Celsius ˚C Electric Current – Amp (A)
SI Derived Units Velocity: (m/s) Acceleration: (m/s²) Density: (kg/L) Force: mass (kg) x acceleration (m/s²) = Newton (N) Energy and Work: Force (N) x Length (m) = Joule (J) Power: Work (J) / time (s) = Watt (W) Frequency: 1/s = Hertz (Hz) Electric charge = current (A) x time (s) = Coulomb (C)
Conversions for SI Units Practice problems on the notes.
Conversions for SI Units
Practice Problems Convert the following to SI base units: 10 g = .01 kg 6 km = 6,000 m 1000 mL = 1 L 7 minutes = 420 s 20 mA = .02 A 3000 mg = .003 kg 0.8 cm = .008 m Piece of Cake
Convert Standard to SI Units 1 mile = 1609 m 1 yard = .91 m 1 gallon = 3.79 L °F = °C × 9/5 + 32 1 lb. = .45 kg (only on Earth) 1 lb. = 4.4 N (everywhere)
Good Job! You did it! Practice problems 3.1 miles = 4987.9 m Convert the following to SI base units: 3.1 miles = 4987.9 m 80 ˚F = 26.7 ˚C 25 mph = 11.2 m/s 150 lb. = 68 kg (mass) 150 lb. = 667 N (force) 70 mph = 31.3 m/s Good Job! You did it!
Scientific Notation Scientific notation is the way that scientists easily handle very large numbers or very small numbers. For example, instead of writing 0.0000000056, we write 5.6 x 10-9. Speed of light: c = 299,792,458 m/s = 3.0 x 108 m/s Gravitational constant: G = 0.0000000000667 Nm2/kg2 = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2
Scientific Notation Practice problems: 123,456,789.00 = 1.23 x 108 Wow!
Measuring Instruments Length: Meter stick, Ruler, Calipers, Tape measure Mass: Triple beam balance, spring scale, digital scale Volume: Graduated Cylinder Time: Stop watch Force: Spring scale, digital scale Temperature: Thermometer, Thermal couple Electrical current and charge: Multimeter
Name the Instrument Calipers Triple Beam Balance Stopwatch Meter stick Graduated Cylinder
Name The Instrument Thermometer Spring scale Thermocouple Multimeter