EU Law implementation In accordance with the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Member States implement European law by adopting measures for implementing legal acts into their national legislations – the task of the Commission
Comitology procedure In exercising its implementing powers, the Commission is assisted by representatives of the Member States through committees, in accordance with the “comitology” procedure.
Comitology Comitology refers to a set of procedures through which EU countries control how the European Commission implements EU law. Broadly speaking, before it can implement an EU legal act, the Commission must consult, for the detailed implementing measures it proposes, a committee where every EU country is represented. The committee provides an opinion on the Commission's proposed measures. These opinions can be more or less binding on the Commission, depending on the particular procedure specified in the legal act being implemented.
The committees Translate the above! The committees are forums for discussion consisting of representatives from Member States and are chaired by the Commission. They enable the Commission to establish dialogue with national administrations before adopting implementing measures. Translate the above!
Odbori su forumi za raspravu koji se sastoje od predstavnika država članica, a predsjedava im Komisija. Oni Komisiji omogućavaju uspostavljanje dijaloga s nacionalnim administratorima prije usvajanja provedbenih mjera.
Types of committees Committees may be formed in accordance with the following typology: Advisory committees (savjetodavni odbori): these give their opinions to the Commission, which must try to take account of them; Management committees (upravni odbori): they intervene when implementing measures relate to the management of programmes and when they have budgetary implications; Regulatory committees (regulatorni odbori): they are responsible when the implementing measures relate to legislation applicable in the whole of the European Union (EU).
Comitology (what EU regulatory professionals should know) What are the implementing measures and the delegated acts?
Implementing measures or implementing acts and delegated acts are a very specific way by which the EU institutions decide on regulatory matters, decide on authorizing new substances, new medicines, authorizing certain subsidies determining the quotas in agriculture and so many fields. They always concern very technical and very practical concrete issues many times opposed to directives and regulations which provide the framework but not necessarily this very operational detail.
Translate the following into English: Odborska procedura Procedura EU u kojoj određeni odbor pomaže Europskoj komisiji u provedbi njezinih zadaća. Odbori su forumi za raspravu; sastoje se od predstavnika država članica, a njima predsjedavaju predstavnici Komisije. Komisiji omogućavaju da uspostavi dijalog s nacionalnim državnim upravama prije nego li usvoji neku provedbenu mjeru. Komisija osigurava da oni što je bolje moguće odražavaju situaciju u svakoj od zainteresiranih zemalja. Postoje savjetodavni odbori, upravni odbori i regulatorni odbori.
Translation Comitology An EU procedure in which a committee assists the European Commission in implementation of its tasks. The committees are forums for discussion,consist of representatives from Member States and are chaired by the Commission. They enable the Commission to establish a dialogue with national administrations before adopting implementing measures. The Commission ensures that they reflect as far as possible the situation in each of the countries concerned. There are advisory committees, management committees and regulatory committees.
Translation exercise Read and translate the press release (IP/17/264). Answer the following questions: What does the Commission propose? What are the four proposed measures? What is a ‘no opinion’ scenario? What happens in these cases?
Vocabulary Regulation - uredba Accountability – odgovornost Pledge – obveza Glyphosate – glifosat Political guidance – političke smjernice Abstention – suzdržani glas Referral – upućivanje Political backing – politička potpora
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