The Medici Dynasty of Florence
Increased trade meant society needed currency A Banking Industry developed in Italy Merchants who excelled in Banking gained political power The Social Hierarchy began to change
City-States develop in Italy Cities ran their own affairs: collected taxes, maintained army Small & very politically active Merchants became the wealthiest class very powerful----dominated trade, banking & politics began to pursue other interests such as art & literature
Medici Florence came under rule of the Medici Family Wealthy merchant family----became practically a dictator of Florence Giovanni Medici Cosimo Medici 1389-1464
Renaissance Italy Key Historical changes: Social: Economic: Cultural: Religious: Political: Increased city living Increased Trade & Banking New focus on art & literature Less focus on “afterlife” Merchant class gained power
Medici Video: Notetaking Main Ideas Notes: Summary
Journal #1 Analyze how life changed during the Renaissance from the Middle Ages? (Hint discuss different aspects of life: political, cultural, social, religious & economic)