Microplastic Policy: challenges, measures and dilemmas


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Presentation transcript:

Microplastic Policy: challenges, measures and dilemmas In the Netherlands and OSPAR Wim van Urk 2 December 2018

2011: “Beat the Microbead” campaign Microplastics entering the policy agenda, In the slipstream of the plastic soup.... 2011: “Beat the Microbead” campaign Netherlands OSPAR + EU 2012: microplastics is a problem to be studied and tackled 2013: Berlin, Hamburg, EU-studies (MICRO, Clean Seas) 2013: quick scan, attention from parliament 2014: OSPAR RAP Marine litter, candidate indicator 2014-2015: targeted study on major sources, stakeholder involvement 2015: conferences Brussels (May), Rotterdam (December) 2016-2017: towards measures, lobby on ban on microbeads (no-regret) 2016-2017: towards OSPAR- and EU-agenda Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2 December 2018

Dilemmas: in general When to take a measure, if you don't oversee the effects ecosystem approach/precautionairy principle, don’t get stuck in definitions, public opinion in your favour/political opportunity Where to take most effective measures in the chain Least effort-biggest effect, support (politically, societal, market) Where to put responsibility Polluter pays principle, "we are in this together" (everybody holds a piece of the puzzle), whoever wants it (head start for first movers) Major sources versus small sources Do both. Ban on microbeads in cosmetics: reward first movers with a head start by creating a level playing field... Everybody happy  Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2 December 2018

Dilemmas in OSPAR: bridging the differences Different levels of awareness Different political agendas Different governance structures and practices Different stakeholder involvement and balance of power Cultural differences Differences in recources, but a general lack… MSFD as a driving ánd hampering force Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2 December 2018

Thank you for your attention Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2 December 2018