Preparatory Action 2011 European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps Call for proposal 11.02.2011
Background and process 2010 Review/gaps analysis Consultations Commission Communication (23 Nov.2010) 2011 On line consultation (9 Feb. for 12 weeks) Conferences/workshops Implementation of concrete pilot projects Impact Assessment Legislative proposal planned for 2012
Objective of the Call Select concrete pilot projects developing some aspects of EVHAC: selection, training and deployment of EU volunteers Results and lessons learned to feed the preparation of the legislative proposal setting up EVHAC
Projects Overall amount: EUR 850 000 Max amount /proposal: EUR 425 000 Maximum EU funding rate: 70% of total eligible cost Maximum duration of projects: 15 months
Who can participate? EU no-profit organisations from at least 2 different Member States International organisations at least 2 national partners (from 2 different Member States)
Eligible projects: important features Innovative approaches for the selection, training and deployment of volunteers EU added value: European dimension of the volunteering activities to be highlighted Local organisations/volunteers should be involved (development of local capacities) Prevention and early recovery: deployment of volunteers in pre and post crisis situation outside the EU
Example of activities (1) Development of recruitment and deployment criteria, standards and procedures for European volunteers Identification and selection of volunteers Development of training curricula adapted to EVHAC (possible involvement of ECHO) Training of volunteers (e.g. Europeans values, cultural awareness, humanitarian aid principles, EU humanitarian aid operations)
Example of activities (2) Deployment of volunteers in third countries (for at least 3 months and a maximum of 12 months) Pairing/capacity building of local organisations and/or local volunteers Monitoring and on-going evaluation (including reflection on possible follow up for the setting up of EVHAC)
Evaluation and selection of applications For eligible organisations: Admissibility criteria: deadline + application form with all the requested information Selection criteria: financial and operational capacity of the applicant Award criteria
Award criteria Relevance and consistency with the objectives of the call Quality of the project and methodology Clarity, appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed methodology including: Visible European dimension Support to local capacities/volunteering Approach proposed for the management of the project Budget and cost-effectiveness of the action
Indicative Schedule Publication of the call: beginning of March Time for Submitting: 30 calendar days Evaluation process : until end of April Notification of (non) award: May Grant agreement signature: May Starting date of the project: June Interim report: December