Scarification and Fertilization of Western Redcedar and Western Hemlock R.W. Negrave Coast Forest Region
Scarification and Fertilization Treatments at SCHIRP Study Design Findings Application to management
Treatments Two sites: CH and HA Two species: Cw and Hw Fertilized and un-fertilized treatments: 225 kg/ha as urea 100 kg/ ha as triple superphosphate NPK at planting Scarified and un-scarified treatments: Hoe-raking treatment to remove salal
Plots and Measurements Treatments replicated 4X: 64 plots total Measurement trees per plot: 64 Established in 1988, analyzed from 2002 data: 15 growing seasons High planting density: 2500 sph
Findings Fertilization greatly increased growth Scarification: Increased growth but less than fertilization Fertilization-only treatment best on HA sites Enhanced fertilizer response on CH sites Tree nutrition was not enhanced by either fertilization or scarification*
Applications to Management Fertilization gives greater effect than light scarification Heavier mechanical treatment* plus fertilization may give greater response on CH Planting density appears critical on CH sites