5 CTSO’s (Career Technical Student Organizations) Apex High School Career and Technical Education 2016-2017 2,212 Students were enrolled in a CTE class in 2016-2017 41 different courses offered, including honors and AP 39 Students Dual Enrolled 400 Wake Tech Credits Earned 11 Career Clusters represented Over 400 Industry Recognized Credentials Earned 42% of AHS seniors were concentrators ! 100% of CTE Concentrators who left secondary education in the previous school year are in postsecondary education or advanced training, in military service, or in employment . 99% of CTE Concentrators graduate on time! Am. Indian - 100% Asian – 100% Black – 100% Latino – 90.9% White – 99.5% Multi – 100% 224 Students took WorkKeys Bronze = 12 Silver = 91 Gold = 107 Platinum = 6 % Proficient = 91% (Silver or higher) 5 CTSO’s (Career Technical Student Organizations) DECA FBLA FCCLA FFA HOSA