Secular v. Religious Authority Lesson 1.3
The Roman Empire
Post-Roman Empire
Carolingian Empire
Who has the power? “There are two powers by which this world is chiefly ruled: the sacred authority of the priesthood and the authority of kings” Pope Gelasius I (AD 500)
Europe Post-Roman Empire – IN THE EAST Rift in the Church Many in Eastern Europe remained literate and practiced Orthodox Christianity Many in Western Europe were illiterate and varied in their practice of Christianity Conflict arises over use of icons Icons – holy pictures of Jesus and the saints Iconoclastic Controversy Why might many people have liked to use icons? Conflict grows and results in split in Christian Church in 1054 into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Called the Great Schism Constantinople falls to the Muslim Ottomans in 1453
The Church Priests headed local communities called parishes group of parishes(diocese) headed by a bishop Bishop of Rome claimed he was the leader of the Roman Catholic Church later called Popes from the Latin word papa, “father”
The Church Germanic peoples united to create the Holy Roman Empire in 962 Otto I defeats the invading Magyars and unites central Europe 162 years after Charlemagne, Otto I is crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope – Why title it Holy Roman Empire when it’s a bunch of Germans? Not much of an empire Lasted in some form until 1806 The two main powers in the Middle Ages were the Church and the Empire – Why doesn’t the empire get rid of the Church? The Emperor was the head of secular power The Pope was the head of religious power Often the two would clash The Emperor could attempt to appoint regional bishops and priests, infringing on Church power (lay investiture) The Pope could excommunicate the Emperor, affecting the people of his reign
The Crusades Armed pilgrimages of Christian Europeans To attack the holy land, Muslims, other non-Christians… First Crusade began in 1095 Christians gained control of the holy lands, only to lose them back to the Muslims shortly thereafter Different Crusades continued through the 1400’s At least 9 different crusades of varying size and success The Crusades were probably just as much about power, influence, and wealth as they were about religion Although those participating DEFINITELY thought they were doing God’s will – as did the Muslim defenders Who was right?
THE BLACK DEATH A Weakened Church Authority of the Pope Questioned John Wycliffe – thinker/reformer Jesus is the authority, not the Pope Jan Hus – thinker/reformer The Bible is the authority, not the Pope The Church had no answer for… THE BLACK DEATH