New Imperialism CHY4U Unit 3 In your groups, identify your questions and conclusions for each slide. (whiteboard)
Trade, 1870s Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis and Anthony Esler, World History: Connections to Today – Teachers Edition (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001), 617.
Imperial Powers Ibid., 643.
“Scramble for Africa”, by 1914 Note * = outbreaks of anticolonial resistance The small inset map on the bottom right shows the vast majority of Africa was independent before 1850. Ibid., 623.
Latin America Ibid., 660.
Spreading Education The caption says: “This photograph, dated 1903, was taken in a German missionary school in East Africa. The pictures on the wall are of Kaiser William II and his wife, Augusta.” Ibid., 625.
Indigenous Response Letter from Chief Machemba of the Yao to German Officer Herman von Wissman, late 1800s: “If it be friendship that you desire, then I am ready for it…but to be your subject, that I cannot be.…I do not fall at your feet, for you are God’s creature just as I am.” Ibid., 621.
Von Treitschke* “All over the globe today we see the peoples of Europe creating a mighty aristocracy of the white races. Those who take no share in this great rivalry will play a pitiable part in time to come. The colonizing impulse has become a vital question for a great nation….We [Germany] must, and will, take our share in the domination of the world by white races.” Ibid., 619. *Von Treitschke was a German historian.