Foto Combo Más práctica
Instrucciones You will see 2 pictures displayed on the screen. Figure out how the pictures look like, or sound like, or are otherwise related to a word in your vocabulary list. The photos can play on the Spanish OR the English version of the word. Look at the example to understand what the crap I am saying.
Sounds like “bone” + “eat cheerios” = BONITO
Sounds like “Audi” + “Dos” = adiós
Sounds like “K” + “Oppossum” = ¿Qué pasa?
Sounds like “TIVO” + “N” = Vivo en…
Looks like “mulch” + “goose” = mucho gusto
Sounds like “looney” + “ace” = El lunes
Looks like “ohh” + “ahhh” = hola
Sounds like “Eh!” + “SSSS” = Es…
Looks like “May” + “Llama” = Me llamo
Sounds like “Who?” + “Leo” = julio
Sounds like “Toes” + “Day” = El martes
Sounds like “March” + “Ohh” = El marzo