PURPOSE/FOCUS/ORGANIZATION English III Aug. 22nd Materials needed: journals sheet of paper something to write with In your journals, copy down the following information about the rubric you will be using when we get to writing your VLT essay in two weeks (remember, journal information will be on the final exam!) PURPOSE/FOCUS/ORGANIZATION In your own words, what do these terms mean when it comes to writing? (1-2 sentences) EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) In your own words, what does this mean? (1-2 sentences)
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- WORTH 4 POINTS TOTAL English III PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- WORTH 4 POINTS TOTAL For a top score of 4 What the rubric says: Clearly stated and strongly maintained claim with little or no loosely related material Clearly addressed alternate or opposing claims* Skillful use of a variety of transitional strategies to clarify the relationships between and among ideas Logical progression of ideas from beginning to end with a satisfying introduction and conclusion Established and maintained appropriate style and objective tone
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English III PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a top score of 4 What the rubric really means (copy this down): The words and sentences make sense There are transitions (such as, therefore, firstly, lastly, etc…) The paragraphs follow a sequence that make sense The tone (attitude) is even and appropriate
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English III PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a pretty good score of 3 What the rubric says: Clear and maintained claim, though some loosely related material may be present Alternate or opposing claims included but may not be completely addressed* Adequate use of transitional strategies with some variety to clarify the relationships between and among ideas Adequate progression of ideas from beginning to end with a sufficient introduction and conclusion Appropriate style and objective tone established
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English III PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a pretty good score of 3 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Claim makes sense, some stuff may be off topic Opposing arguments are there, but not much Some transitions are used Sequence of events at least follows beginning, middle, and end Tone is appropriate
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English III PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a fair score of 2 What the rubric says: Focused on a claim but insufficiently sustained or unclear May not sufficiently address alternate or opposing claims* Inconsistent use of transitional strategies with little variety Uneven progression of ideas from beginning to end with an inadequate introduction or conclusion
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English I PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a fair score of 2 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Claim is there but it’s unclear Opposing claims are not really addressed Transitions are only used sometimes Sequence of events is there but doesn’t follow a beginning, middle, and end
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English I PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a low score of 1 What the rubric says: Absent, confusing, or ambiguous claim Missing alternate or opposing claims* Few or no transitional strategies Frequent extraneous ideas impeding understanding Too brief to demonstrate knowledge of focus or organization
PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- English I Thursday Aug. 27th PURPOSE/ FOCUS/ ORGANIZATION- For a low score of 1 What the rubric really means (copy this down): claim doesn’t make sense Opposing claim is not there Few, if any, transitions A lot of off topic stuff Not enough writing to get the point of the argument
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION- WORTH 4 POINTS TOTAL English III EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION- WORTH 4 POINTS TOTAL For a top score of 4 What the rubric says: Smoothly integrated, thorough, and relevant evidence, including precise references to sources Effective use of a variety of elaborative techniques to support the claim, demonstrating an understanding of the topic and text Clear and effective expression of ideas, using precise language Academic and domain-specific vocabulary clearly appropriate for the audience and purpose Various sentence structures creating language facility
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION English III EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a top score of 4 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Evidence has to do with your paper Evidence is precise Evidence uses words that have to do with your paper There is a variety of evidence, not just one type
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION English I EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a pretty good score of 3 What the rubric says: Generally integrated and relevant evidence from sources, though references may be general or imprecise Adequate use of some elaborative techniques Adequate expression of ideas, employing a mix of precise and general language Domain-specific vocabulary generally appropriate for the audience and purpose Some variation in sentence structure
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a pretty good score of 3 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Evidence generally has to do with your paper Evidence mostly explains the topic Evidence is kind of clear Evidence kind of has to do with the topic There is some variety of evidence
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a fair score of 2 What the rubric says: Evidence is all over the place Repetitive or ineffective use of elaborative techniques Imprecise or simplistic expression of ideas Some use of inappropriate domain-specific vocabulary Most sentences limited to simple constructions
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a fair score of 2 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Weakly integrated evidence from sources and erratic or irrelevant references Evidence isn’t really on topic The point of the evidence isn’t always clear Much of the evidence has little to do with the topic The words used are short and simple
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a low score of 1 What the rubric says: Minimal, absent, erroneous, or irrelevant evidence from the source material Expression of ideas that is vague, unclear, or confusing Limited and often inappropriate language or domain-specific vocabulary Sentences limited to simple constructions
EVIDENCE AND ELABORATION For a low score of 1 What the rubric really means (copy this down): Evidence has nothing to do with the topic Evidence makes no sense The sentences are simple
CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR)- WORTH 2 POINTS TOTAL For a top score of 2 What the rubric says: Some minor errors in usage but no patterns of errors Adequate use of punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling
CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) For a top score of 2 What the rubric really means (copy this down): There are a few mistakes, but not many Punctuation ,capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling are mostly in order
CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) English I CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) For a low score of 1 What the rubric says: Various errors in usage Inconsistent use of correct punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling
CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) For a low score of 1 What the rubric really means (copy this down): There are a lot of mistakes punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation, and spelling are all messed up
CONVENTIONS OF STANDARD ENGLISH (GRAMMAR) For a score of 0… … it’s from The Princess Bride, you may not get this one
So, now let’s get out a sheet of paper and take a little quiz Don’t worry, it’s open notes Just write the answers on your paper, not the questions …I hope you were writing
1. What are the three categories of the rubric? 2. How many points is the 1st category worth? 3. How many points is the 2nd category worth? 4. How many points is the 3rd category worth? 5. If you received a total of 8 points on your essay, what grade would that be? 6. Tell me one thing about what earns a top score for the 1st category 7. Tell me one thing about what earns a top score for the 2nd category. 8. Tell me one thing that earns a top score for the 3rd category.