Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Bureau of Recovery and Mitigation Annual HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN Review 16 -17 Nov 2015 The HMGP is a federal disaster assistance program administered in Pennsylvania by PEMA. The HMGP provides funding for certain types of “mitigation” projects that reduce or eliminate damages and losses due to natural disasters.
Agenda Purpose of the Review Process of conducting the review Review of Risk Assessment Review of Capabilities Assessment Review of Mitigation Strategy Accomplishments Lesson’s learned
Purpose To Monitor, Evaluate and Update the mitigation plan on an annual basis Required by FEMA 44 CFR Take credit for accomplishments Adjust actions as needed Document lesson’s learned
Review Process Review PEMA 2013 HM Plan located at: Attend review meeting on either day, in person or by dialing in 717-651-2259, Bridge Line 1, PassCode 7362 Provide feedback on recommended changes via voice or email PEMA BORM HM will consolidate comments and update plan
Risk Assessment Review the Risks profiled in the 2013 plan Are there new risks that should have been profiled? Fracking? Bakken Crude? Pipelines? Have the Location, Extant, Impact, and Severity of any profiled risk changed since 2014? Have probable losses changed? THIRA issue of combining land slide, sink hole and mine subsidence THIRA changed to hazard rankings EMAP required changes – appendix L – Impact to PEMA specific
Capabilities Have there been changes to Pennsylvania’s capabilities since 2014? Has plan integration significantly effected the state’s capabilities?
Mitigation Strategy Please review table 6.2.4-2 beginning on page 726 and revised table at Comment on any actions which have been accomplished Should any actions be removed, why? Should any actions be added?
Blowing Our Horn What have we accomplished since 2014?
Lessons Learned What should we do differently in 2016?