LOCATION Where is it? Aha! I found it! 38° N and 95° W Absolute Location An exact address of a place using Latitude & Longitude. Ex: 30N 100W or 2000 Rollins, McKinney, TX 75069 Aha! I found it! 38° N and 95° W
LOCATION Where is it? Relative Location the position of a place in relation to another place. Ex: East of Wal-Mart or Main Event is West of Highway 75 How is it I get Go down this street and take a left, it will be east of the shopping center. to deli?
Places have both human and physical characteristics! What is it like there? Places have both human and physical characteristics! What do you think of when you imagine China? Japan? Russia? Saudi Arabia?
PLACE What is it like there? Physical Features Geography (mountains, rivers, deserts, climate, plant & animal Physical Features
PLACE P L A C E What is it like there? Human Features Culture of the people: language, clothes, food, religion, the kinds of people. . . Human Features P L A C E
HUMAN/ ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION What is the relationship between the people and their environment? People change the environment and sometimes Mother Nature changes it back. For example, floods in the Mid-West, Hurricane Katrina, Tsunamis in SE Asia, and earthquakes and mudslides in California. There are three main keys to human/environmental interaction: People change their environment. (pollution, cut down trees, build roads, hunt animals. . .) The environment changes people. (hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, flooding. . .) People adapt to the environment. (clothing suitable for weather conditions. . .) Examples: People depend on the Columbia River for our water and transportation. People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort. People adapt to the environment by wearing clothing that is suitable for summer and winter; rain and shine.
MOVEMENT How are people and places connected? The movement of people, the import and export of goods, and mass communication have all played major roles in shaping our world. People everywhere interact and connect. They travel from place to place and they communicate. People interact and connect with each other through movement. Humans occupy places unevenly on Earth because of the environment. We interact with each other through travel, trade, information flows (E-Mail) and political events.
How are people and places connected? MOVEMENT How are people and places connected? Reasons for moving better land, religious freedom, change to earn a better living Ways of moving people cars, buses, subways, commuter trains, and airplanes truck, ships, trains, planes *trade and interdependence Ways of moving goods
REGION A region is the basic unit of study in geography. A region is an area that displays a logical unity in terms of the government, language, or possibly the landform or situation. Regions are human constructs that can be mapped and analyzed. Region Geographers divide the world into regions based on physical features & cultural characteristics Equatorial Tropical Subtropical Desert Grassland Temperate Protestant Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Sunni Muslim Shia Muslim Hinduism Buddhism Chinese Religions Shinto & Buddhism Judiasm Tribal, Christian, Muslim Tribal & Christian Traditional & Tribal Protestant Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Sunni Muslim Shia Muslim Hinduism Buddhism Chinese Religions Shinto & Buddhism Judiasm Tribal, Christian, Muslim Tribal & Christian Traditional & Tribal
5 THEMES CORNELL NOTES LOCATION Absolute Location Relative Location PLACE Physical Features Human Features HUMAN/ ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION MOVEMENT Reasons for moving Ways of moving people Ways of moving goods REGIONS An exact address of a place using Latitude & Longitude. (the position of a place on the earth’s surface using the latitude & longitude) Ex: 30N 100W or 2000 Rollins the position of a place in relation to another place. Ex: East of Wal-Mart Geography (mountains, rivers, deserts, climate, plant & animal Culture of the people: language, clothes, food. . . (the kinds of people who live there, activities that take place there, religion, language, cultural background are all characteristics of place) People change their environment. (pollution, cut down trees, build roads, hunt animals. . .) The environment changes people. (hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, flooding. . .) better land, religious freedom, change to earn a better living automobiles, buses, subways, commuter trains, and airplanes truck, ships, trains, planes *trade and interdependence Geographers divide the world into regions based on physical features & cultural characteristics