Rockin’ America Puritan Style


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Presentation transcript:

Rockin’ America Puritan Style 1620s – 1750s

Puritan Values and Beliefs: Religion Terms to Know Calvinism – Belief that only certain people were predestined to go to Heaven; those “elect” displayed the most moral and pure behavior Depravity – an act of immorality; because of Original Sin, all people are born sinful The Great Awakening – widespread religious revival (late Puritan period) that maintained people had to have internal emotional experience, repent, and convert to be “born again.”

Puritan Values and Beliefs: Religion Left England to escape what they thought was corruption in the Church of England (elaborate rituals, richly dressed clergy) Had simple, undecorated religious services in plain meetinghouses Only men could serve in leadership roles Path to righteousness was study of and adherence to the Bible People were expected to examine their own behaviors and thoughts daily

Puritan Values and Beliefs: Education All children would be educated in biblical principles and the laws of the land Harvard established in 1636 Girls went to “reading school;” boys went on to grammar and Latin school to prepare for university studies Children did not play typical games; instead boys learned to work and hunt, and girls learned how to keep the home.

Puritan Values and Beliefs Core Values: God, family, hard work Husband had dominion over wife; parents over children; master over servants People are put on Earth to glorify God Strict moral codes and expectations Simple clothing and living conditions Little to no theatrical or secular entertainment Hard work always Purity and Piety!

Literature Purpose: To teach morals (not for pleasure) and to glorify God only Types: Sermons, primers, poetry, hymns Famous Puritan writers: Jonathan Edwards – preacher and philosopher who aimed to scare congregations into salvation Anne Bradstreet – first published poet in America; wrote about domestic daily life within the context of “God’s divine plan.”