Jim Carton and Gennady Chepurin University of Maryland


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Presentation transcript:

Jim Carton and Gennady Chepurin University of Maryland Decadal Variations of upper ocean water properties in the Nordic Seas/Barents Sea Areas Jim Carton and Gennady Chepurin University of Maryland Motivation: Early 1990s warming: Quadfasel et al., 1991; Carmack et al., 1995; Grotefendt et al., 1998; Morison et al., 1998; Woodgate 2001; Schauer et al., 2002 2000s warming: Schauer et al., 2004; Polyakov, 2005, 2009; Dimtrinko, 2008, 2009; Levitus et al., 2009

VMER, CESAR, ARKTIS, MIZEX, CEAREX*, IABP AIDJEX, LOREX, FRAM I-IV, IABP Russian and U.S. Drifting Stations, Russian Aircraft Surveys, Submarine Observations, Canadian Island Observation Increase *Historical information provided by http://www.whoi.edu/beaufortgyre/history/history_modern.html

’65-’74 ’76-’85 ’00-’09

Decadal anomalies at 50m ‘65-’74 ‘76-’85 ‘00-’09

Transects along Fram Strait & Barents Sea

T/S anomalies along Fram Strait Transect ‘65-’74 ‘76-’85 ‘00-’09



Conclusions Confirm decadal variability in Fram Strait/Barents Sea, both showing three distinct decades since 1960 1965-74: salty 0-800m 1976-85: cold and fresh 0-800m 2000-2009: warm and salty 0-400m Compare in situ and AVHRR SST for 1981-pres Identify temperature dependent bias in AVHRR up to 1C Show spatial structure of warming in the 2000s