Warmup- define the images you see and explain how they could relate to one another.
How do you define something? Dog: noun 1. a domesticated canid, Canis Familiaris, bred in many varieties. Synonyms: puppy, hound, canine, mutt Goldfish: Noun 1. a small, usually yellow or orange fish Carassius auratus, of the carp family, native to China, bred in many varieties and often kept in fishbowls and pools. Synonyms: carp, fish
There are certain strategies to use when defining a concept. 1. functions- pet, companion, aide 2. examples- Golden retriever, Labrador 3. Negations- Not a wild animal, not a fish
*Family *friendship *Home *Success *Talent Choose two of the following concepts, and use the organizer to help create the definition. *Family *friendship *Home *Success *Talent
NOW- pick ONE of the concepts to be your focus for the extension. * Follow the directions on your sheet for this section.