Cold Front Forms Cold air mass pushes under warm air mass warm air rises Weather It Brings Thunderstorms form as moisture in warm air mass rises, cools, and condenses. As front moves through, cool, fair weather follows.
Warm Front Forms Most, warm air mass slides up and over cold air mass. Weather It Brings As warm air mass rises, it condenses into clouds. Brings rain or light snow, followed by warm, milder weather.
Stationary Front Forms Warm and cold air meet and neither mass has force to move the other. Weather It Brings Clouds and fog form. May rain or snow. Brings days of clouds and precipitation.
Occluded Front Forms Warm air mass gets caught between two cold air masses. Warm air mass rises as cool air masses push together. Weather It Brings Temp. drops Strong winds & heavy precipitation
On the right side of the page, enter the web code: cfp-4031 -Homework- Reviewing Fronts Go to On the right side of the page, enter the web code: cfp-4031 Investigate each type of front. 4. Copy the three quiz questions at bottom on the page. After taking the quiz, write down the correct answers Quiz Questions: What are the four types of weather fronts? Cold, Warm, Stationary, Occluded. Which statement correctly describes all four types of weather fronts? Rain, snow, or another type of precipitation may result from a front. What happens when an occluded front forms? A warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses and cut off from the ground.