Communication on the EU maritime transport strategy


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Presentation transcript:

Communication on the EU maritime transport strategy 2009-2018  Communication on the EU maritime transport strategy 2009-2018 - Project Overview & Working Plan - EUROPEAN COMMISSION

World & EU Trade fundamentals World & EU Trade fundamentals ? -Competitiveness of the EU shipping and port industries ? -Impact of the current crisis on shipping? -Cost-efficiency of the EU Maritime Transport system ? -Human Factor conditions ? - Short sea shipping & advanced integration of shipping in the transport chain ? -Sustainable development goals (emissions, env. impact?) -Fair competition in global markets? -Energy shocks?

“Three pillar” approach: I. Solid economic forecasting : external study conducted by a team of top maritime economists Active involvement of the maritime transport sector: independent opinion of shipping professionals to VP Tajani III. Active involvement of the Maritime Transport Administrations of the EEA Member States

Two main results: 1. A Communication, setting up a widely agreed long term vision for the EU maritime transport policy in the context of an integrated maritime policy 2. A process of trust building and partnership between the Commission, the EU shipping sector and the maritime transport Administrations of the Member States

A vast array of proposals (that could be implemented, depending on the type of action, by means of): Open Method of Coordination (Lisbon) Public-private partnerships Corporate Social Responsibility / Self regulation Regulation (new proposals and/or review of existing instruments)

6 main chapters: (lines of action) Communication on the EU strategy for maritime transport in the horizon 2018 – working plan: 6 main chapters: (lines of action)

1. European shipping in the global markets Achieving a fair Level Playing Field all over the world Attractive framework for shipping and good operators in Europe Guaranteeing the fleet for securing EU trade needs (including supply of energy) Envisaged actions: competitive State Aid Guidelines, support liberalisation of trade in maritime, alignment of competition rules globally, reinforced dialogue with main shipping / trading partners, etc

2. Human Resources: taking care of sea professionals Enhance the image of maritime transport Improve training and qualifications of EU seafarers Image of shipping, network of centres of excellence for maritime training in Europe, “Erasmus” type model for the education of officers, actions at IMO and ILO level, simplification measures on board ships, revision STCW convention, etc

3. Promoting Quality Shipping Improving the environmental performance of shipping Promote the competitive advantage of European shipping transport (safe, secure, clean, efficient) all over world EU environmental management system for maritime transport (including emissions, better ship dismantling, port reception facilities, etc), ice navigation + icebreakers, persons rescued at sea, piracy and terrorism threat, etc, convergence of maritime surveillance systems, etc

4. Working together in the international scene Enhance EU recognition and visibility at IMO Work with international partners for reinforcing internationally order Reinforced cooperation with MS in international organisations, enhancing EU status within the IMO, promotion of actions at international level for ensuring rapid ratification of IMO conventions, follow up of recommendations for protecting the Artic, etc

5. Deploy full potential of short sea shipping Maritime Transport Space without barriers: “cutting red tape” Continue efforts for deployment intra-EU maritime transport logistics Envisaged actions: maritime transport space without barriers, ports policy actions, fast track procedures in ports, full deployment of Motorways of the Sea, TEN-T & Marco Polo, Greening of transport, etc

6. Research & Innovation Safer and efficient ships, clean propulsion engines « E-maritime »: ICT simplifying administrative requirements and improving passengers’ services and crew quality of life at sea Envisaged actions: e-maritime services, support of innovation and new technological design, WATERBORNE platform, protection of European know-how (IP rights), combined transport & advanced logistics

Next steps (follow-up):

In 2009-2010: discussion of the implementation of the proposed actions in a partnership approach: Continued dialogue with the sector and with the Member States Promotion of public / private cooperation Particularities of specific shipping sectors and of the diverse European shipping centres and maritime regions to be fully taken into account A renewed effort of international cooperation with main shipping and trading partners

Thank you for your attention