Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way)


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Presentation transcript:

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) 1. But you, O Lord, be mer - ci - ful and raise me in your grace Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 41B Music: Thou Art the Way, James Walch & L.O. Sanderson Arrangement: Chris Reeves

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) And then a rec - om-pence com-plete up - on them I will place.

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) 2. By this I know that I am held as pre-cious in your eyes; Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 41B Music: Thou Art the Way, James Walch & L.O. Sanderson Arrangement: Chris Reeves

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) My foes do not raise o - ver me their glad ex - ult - ing cries.

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) 3. And thus am I sus - tained by you to be com-plete and well, Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 41B Music: Thou Art the Way, James Walch & L.O. Sanderson Arrangement: Chris Reeves

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) And in your pres-ence ev - er -more you make me safe - ly dwell.

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) 4. The Lord, the God of Is - ra - el, be blessed and blessed a-gain, Text: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 41B Music: Thou Art the Way, James Walch & L.O. Sanderson Arrangement: Chris Reeves

Psalm 41:10-13 (Tune: Thou Art the Way) From age to ev - er - last - ing age. A -men, and still A-men.