Response to Mystery
Response to Mystery is… Worship is… Worship as a Response to Mystery is… Encounter with God means… Celebration is…
Worship as a Response to Mystery Fill in this chart! The Celts Christians/Muslims Beliefs: Gathered in sacred places: Gathered at sacred times: Led by a religious leader: Participated in sacred rituals:
Worship as a Response to Mystery Worship expresses the belief that God is at work in the world of nature and in the lives of human beings. When people encounter mystery they respond by gathering together to perform acts of worship. For the individual carrying out an act of worship, whether it is a Hindu performing puja, a Muslim praying in the direction of Mecca, a Jewish person singing a hymn or a Christian lighting a candle, the act of worship is important because of what it means.
Worship as a Response to Mystery Worship is an expression of belief, showing that the person sees God and their religion as important, probably the most important thing in life. For some people, it is belief in God that makes sense of the world and gives a sense of meaning and value to their everyday lives. Worship helps to give people a sense that they are part of a truly meaningful world, and that they are participating in something that has great significance beyond their own lives and experiences.