Denotation and connotation Denotation – Is the literal meaning or dictionary definition of a word. Example : Rose (showy flowers or a prickly shrub) Connotation : is meaning created through personal, social or cultural influences. Connotations will not be the same for everyone because they deal with the personal beliefs and feeling that are rooted in language.
Example – “Father” Rose Apple
Think of the word Grin Laugh smirk
So, a words connotation depends on the emotion we connect to it based on our personal experience. In order to understand the meaning of the word you need more then the dictionary definition.
Another easy way to remember connotation is think of the word “CONTEXT” are hints the author gives us to describe a word. You will context clues to identify the authors inside meaning. Example: Curious – synonyms inquisitive, nosy Though they all mean ‘eager to know something’ they each have different connotation
Find an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper. Clip it out. Your assignment Find an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper. Clip it out. Write a paragraph to explain the denotation and connotation of the words and images in the advertisement. Be sure to use explain how connotation is used to effect the emotions of the audience.
Exploring shades of Meaning (L8.4, L8.5) We are going to use the think-pair-share strategy today. What synonyms can you identify for the word journey?
Adventure Crusade Homeward wandering Journey Odyssey Passage Pilgrimage Quest Travels Trek Trip
What’s the connotation associated with that word/phrase What’s the connotation associated with that word/phrase? How does the author’s choice of words reveal bias or impact objective reporting?
Highlight all words that stand out and have strong connotations. What is the tone and/or perspective of the author based on the language used? What evidence proves your above claim? Find ALL words and write them here. What do you think his attitude is on the subject? Why do you think this? Write in complete sentences.