Figures used in the Modelling and Linking Guide (MLG)


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Presentation transcript:

Figures used in the Modelling and Linking Guide (MLG) Michel Böhms 8. June 2017

Enrichment & Conversion 1. Introduction 2. Data Modelling 3. Modeling Guide 4. Linking Guide 5. Implementation 6. Try it Yourself Motivation Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction Context & Scope ISO STEP First Principles Enrichment & Conversion Formats & Access Editing & Publishing Software Benefits in Use Cases W3C LD/SW Guidelines Translation Versioning Deployment Software

AS-IS TO-BE (proposed) Static Extended Linked AIM Relevance EXTERNAL “Linking” bSDD == AIM Relevance GIS bSI Boundary Extension ontologies MVD+ bSDD SE MVD IFC + Psets bSI Boundary IFC + Psets ifcOWL IoT Modelling Modelling Technology Technology ISO STEP ISO STEP W3C Linked Data / Semantic Web (RDF/RDFS/OWL/ SPARQL) ISO 12006-3/ API ISO 12006-3/ API Option 1 Option 2

bSI being just one puzzle piece in the total AIM Landscape! IoT bSI Company OTL (e.g. RWS-OTL) OGC National Standard (e.g. COINS in NL) ISO/CEN

Secondary scope Primary Limited Scope Meta Data Object Representation Content Secondary scope Primary Limited Scope Style Format Access

IFC, bSDD, InfraGML, QUDT, SKOS, DC, BOT, SEAS, ICE, EO, … Level Semantics International IFC, bSDD, InfraGML, QUDT, SKOS, DC, BOT, SEAS, ICE, EO, … European EU Road OTL, Inspire, … National (Country-specific) CBNL @ COINS (NL), BSAB (SE), OKSTRA (DE), Inframodel (FI), ADD (UK), … Organization-specific RWS-OTL (NL), … Project-specific RWS-SAA-OTL (NL), … Powered by LD/SW

Asset Life-Cycle, essential views AsRequired – what is needed (client)/allowed (regulation)? AsProposed – what is possible/proposed/offered? AsBuilt – what is actually constructed/deconstructed? Two Management views: for Asset (network) itself and for Asset (network) Usage

Including Asset Information Management (AIM) ASSET OPERATION ⑧ ⑨ ASSET MANAGEMENT (AM) Including Asset Information Management (AIM) ASSET OPERATION MANAGEMENT provenance REALIZEa / REPURPOSE / RENOVATEb / MAINTAIN ASSET OPERATEf ASSET PROGRAMc DESIGNd BUILDe AsRequired AsProposed AsBuilt ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ Synonyms a Develop, Make b Refurbish, Retrofit c Specify, Plan, Incept d Engineer e Construct, Make, Realize f Use, Utilize, Exploit Maintain : ReBuild only (same AsRequired & AsProposed) Renovate : ReDesign + ReBuild (same AsRequired) Repurpose : ReProgram + ReDesign + ReBuild - Demolish : Special case of Repurpose: ‘Stop Operation’ ⑩

Asset Supply-Chain Orthogonal to Life-Cycle dimension Related to “Decomposition” Network (Built Environment, Road Network, Rail Network, …) Asset (Building, Road, Rail, Bridge, Tunnel, …) System/SubSystem (SpatialSystem/Zone, PhysicalSystem/SignallingSystem, …) Component (Space, Device, AshaltSlab, PrefabElement, …) Material (Steel, Concrete, Asphalt, …) Independent from Make or Buy decision I.e. a Component can be a Product when bought

Program Design Build Manage & Operate Network Asset System/ SubSystem Component Material Manage & Life-Cycle Supply-Chain validation time verification

IFC4x1_RC3.ttl Linking Rule Set (LRS) XOntology.ttl IFC4x1_RC3-Data.ttl Linking Data Set (LDS) XData.ttl

App SPARQL SPARQL IFC4x1_RC3.ttl Linking Rule Set (LRS) XOntology.ttl IFC4x1_RC3-Data.ttl Linking Data Set (LDS) XData.ttl



Internet Linked Data (LD) World Wide Web (WWW) Semantic Web (SW) Ontology/OTL Semantic Web (SW) Linked Data (LD) World Wide Web (WWW) Internet Linked Knowledge Linked Data Semantic Level Linked Documents Linked Computers


KnowledgeBase (KB) = Theory = SET of axioms DL Logic as Fragment of First Order predicate Logic (FOL) KnowledgeBase (KB) = Theory = SET of axioms TBoxes ==Concept axioms RBoxes ==Role axioms OWL Classes OWL Properties ABoxes ==Individual axioms OWL2-DL =essentially= DL Logic SROIQ (most expressive, still decidable) OWL Individuals SROIQ Signature (KB) = The set of all Concept names, Role names & Individual names

LRS 1 < > 2 or 1 > 2 LRS: Linking Rule Set Using RDFS/OWL, and/or Using e.g. SPIN Rules with SPARQL (construct) queries Ontology Using RDF/RDFS/OWL import import Ontology 1 Ontology 2 … … LDS 1< >2 rdf:type rdf:type LDS: Linking Data Set Using e.g. owl:sameAs Dataset Using RDF/RDFS Dataset 1 Dataset 2

Ontology Linking Rule Set (LRS) Basic RDF/RDFS/OWL2 == Alignment Ontology (AO) RDFS/OWL SUBSET: rdfs:subClassOf (unidirectional) rdfs:subPropertyOf (unidirectional) owl:equivalentClass (bidirectional) owl:equivalentProperty (bidirectional) owl:sameAs (bidirectional) (for reference individuals) Advanced OWL2+ SPIN (constraint subset) (incl. SPARQL Ask queries) or SHACL, or otherwise == Conversion Rule Set (CRS) OWL+SPIN (unidirectional rule subset) (SPIN including SPARQL Construct queries)

Schema S1 in EXPRESS Knowledge Translator Ontology O1 in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) by ref/order rdf:type Dataset SF1 in SPFF Data Translator Dataset TF1 in RDF (Turtle syntax) source/target source/target

LRS LRS by ref/order rdf:type source/target source/target EXPRESS (Meta)ONTOLOGY in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) LRS RDF/RDFS/OWL (Meta)ONTOLOGY in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) Schema S1 in EXPRESS (Meta)Dataset MTF1 in RDF (Turtle syntax) (Meta)Dataset MTF2 in RDF (Turtle syntax) Ontology O1 in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) SPFF (Meta)ONTOLOGY in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) LRS Turtle (Meta)ONTOLOGY in RDF/RDFS/OWL (Turtle syntax) by ref/order rdf:type Dataset SF1 in SPFF (Meta)Dataset TF1 in RDF (Turtle syntax) (Meta)Dataset TF1 in RDF (Turtle syntax) Dataset TF2 in RDF (Turtle syntax) source/target source/target

x LRS IFC Ontology O1 in RDF/ RDFS/ OWL Knowledge Translator Schema S1 in EXPRESS IFC Ontology O1 in RDF/ RDFS/ OWL Knowledge Translator IfcProxy IfcPropertySet IfcPropertySingleValue IfcProxy IfcPropertySet IfcPropertySingleValue x IFC Extension Ontology O1a (without MM) in RDF by ref/order rdf:type Promotor/ Demotor rdf:type Dataset SF1 in SPFF Dataset TF1 in RDF IFCExtension Dataset TF1x in RDF Data Translator IfcProxy IfcPropertySet IfcPropertySingleValue MetaDataset IfcProxy IfcPropertySet IfcPropertySingleValue MetaDataset LDS source/target 1 source/target 2 source/target 2x Promotor/ Demotor Could also be LRS (SPIN) for each direction

... ... and/or ONTOLOGY 1 Linked Data* DATA 1 Linking or Conversion/ ALIGNMENT ONTOLOGY (OWL) and/or RESTYLING/ CONVERSION RULE SET (OWL/SPIN/...) ONTOLOGY 1 import Linked Data* DATA 1 ALIGNMENT DataSet (like owl:sameAS) Linking or Conversion/ Restyling ... ONTOLOGY 2 DATA 2 SPFF file XML file Referencing or Translation ... Non-Linked Data * Meaning: formatted according to a LD format like Turtle, RDF/XML, JSON-LD etc.

Korea: Road Model China: Rail Model France: Bridge Model Future: Tunnels Airports Ports Powerlines

Client SPIN SPIN/SPARQL.1.1 Select/Ask/Construct SPARQL Query Templates (SPARQL in RDF) SPIN Rules & Constraints + OWL/RDFS regimes Top SPIN SPIN Filter/Property Functions & magic properties Coded IFC property functions or existing like geoSPARQL SPINx JAVA PLUGIN CODING JavaScript Java Or other PLugins like FME

Optional, not yet used