Water How do we use it?
Uses by humans Agriculture Industry Energy Generation Drinking Bathing Gardening Cleaning Cooking Recreation
Water use in the U.S.
Water use in Agriculture Irrigation Watering animals (a cow drinks 25-30 gallons/day) Washing crops Applying pesticides and herbicides. Processing meat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zeRtsQFqHg Worldwide, farming accounts for 70% of water use.
Water use in Industry Chemical plants Wood processing Mining Metal processing Fuel processing Plastic processing (Takes 3 liters of water to make an empty 1 liter bottle of water!)
Water use in Energy Generation Drilling “Cleaning” coal Cooling power plants Shearon Harris nuclear power plant uses 33 million gallons/day (Durham County uses 28 million).
Water use within your house
How much do we use? http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/water-footprint-calculator/ The average American home uses 350 gallons/day. The average American uses 69.3 gallons/day indoors.
How can you conserve water in your home? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_lBbqEGe7U&NR=1&feature=endscreen
Hidden water uses. Hidden water is the water used to manufacture, process, and transport a product or service. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On9WRrFHVjY&feature=related
Public vs. Private 86% of Americans use public water. Cary/Apex Water Treatment Facility
Public vs. Private 14% have their own supply.
Where does our water come from? Surface water Rivers Lakes (natural and manmade)
Where does our water come from? Issues with surface water extraction: Creating a reservoir Human displacement Environmental damage
Where does our water come from? Issues with surface water extraction: Reduction of river flow ~The Rio Grande river ran dry in 2001 due to drought and human extraction
Where does our water come from? Issues with groundwater extraction: Subsidence Saltwater Intrusion Groundwater level reduction
Where does our water come from? Groundwater Wells Springs