- - - - Course syllabus | 2018-2019 - - - English 3, EOC - - - - Course syllabus | 2018-2019 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. What we’ll read Short stories, choice books, poetry, non-fiction. Mrs. Katie Vecchio CM155 Conference: 2nd Tutorials: T/W, 2:50-3:30 M/T, Power Hour kvecchio@alvinisd.net **Best way to reach me!** In this course, you will Increase knowledge of, & proficiency with, close reading skills Practice formulating strong, coherent writing pieces Increase understanding of STAAR: Question-types Scoring categories Composition section requirements ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. ………………………………………….. Assignments and grading 50% Major Grades: Tests/Quizzes/Binder Checks/Writing 50% Minor Grades: Classwork, discussions, homework, & participation Retesting Policy: major grades below 70% are eligible (requirements: AHS webpage). Skyward/Returning Work: I will post a minimum of 1 grade/week & do my very best to have all posted in a timely manner. Please note, I can’t return/discuss major grades until all makeups have been completed. ……………………………………………………………………………...….………….. What you’ll need 1’ binder 5 tab dividers Notebook paper Pen/Pencil Highlighter 3rd period: 1 box Kleenex 7th period: 1 bottle hand sanitizer An email address Remind101 App Good manners Expectations Be on time Be respectful Be kind …………………………………..
Emergency situation: teacher discretion (come see me) Policies - - - - Course syllabus | 2018-2019 - - - ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. Late/make-up work policy The expectation is that you submit all assignments on time. *10 points off per day late *3+ days late: zero Absent?: check the absent board and get what handouts/assignments you need (located behind door)-I’m happy to answer questions & provide help! *# of days absent = # of days to make-up work (ex. 3 days absent, 3 days to makeup work upon returning) Technological issues do not excuse you from completing your work. Non-negotiable Cell phone policy: Cell phones will be kept in class pocket every day unless noted on board. Each pocket will be numbered You are assigned a number alphabeticallyuse same pocket every day Phone in pocket before bell rings. Refusal to put phone in pocket will result in office referral There are charging spots near pockets1st come, 1st serve There are times I will allow us to use them (research, etc.)noted on board when allowed Emergency situation: teacher discretion (come see me) ……………………………………………… Academic dishonesty All work that you submit must be your own work. You may not do any of the following: Turn in or copy someone else’s work. Copy someone’s work and change a few of the words. Copying words from a source without citing it and giving credit to the source. Attempt to use any notes on a closed-note assignment. Look at someone else’s work during an quiz, test, or otherwise individual assessment. If you are doing any of the above or anything else that constitutes cheating, you will receive a zero on that assignment, and you will be referred for discipline. ……………………………………………… Other policies WATER/SNACKS: I am fine with this in the classroom as long as you clean up after yourselves. POWER HOUR/TUTORIAL SCHEDULE: posted daily on dooralso T/W 3:00-3:30 BATHROOM PASSES: You are young adults & I trust you to use these trips appropriately. If misused, they will be revoked. HOMEWORK PASS (1/semester): One daily grade may be excused (zero or lowest): no one’s perfect, we all get busy or forget sometimes! It’s your job to keep up with this! TARDIES: All tardies are marked in computerexcessive tardies result in referral to AP ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
This Page, Signed & Due: Monday, 8/27 (daily grade) Policies: Signatures Name: _____________________ Date: ________ ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. I understand the late/make-up work policy. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: I understand the Cell phone policy, Including Procedures & consequences for refusal: Student Signature: ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. I understand the academic Dishonesty policy. Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: I understand the bathroom/homework pass/snack Policies & tutoring options: Student Signature: _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. This Page, Signed & Due: Monday, 8/27 (daily grade)