Reconstruction 8/24-8/25
Agenda Weekly Warmup Worksheet Reconstruction PowerPoint with Notes “Life in the West” Matrices (groups) Group presentations on DocCam Exit Ticket
Warmup What do you remember learning about Reconstruction? Who was affected by it? Voices of Former Slaves
Reconstruct What? To “rebuild”, “re-construct”, & “re-admit” the South back into the Union after the Civil War. -Black Southerners – homeless and jobless -Plantation Owners – lost $3 billion worth of labor -Poor Whites – had to compete with free African-Americans for jobs
Political Cartoon “fake” Secretary of War Lorenzo Thomas Office Bill Ulysses S. Grant President Andrew Johnson Congress Secretary of War Edwin Stanton
Meaning Cannon = represents Congress President Johnson = hiding behind Lorenzo Thomas (appointed Secretary of War after Johnson removed Stanton from office) The “Office Bill” = also called the “Tenure of Office Bill”, required the President to seek the Senate’s advice before dismissing any member of his Cabinet Congress impeached Andrew Johnson because of his radical views on leniency for white Southerners and instituting Black Codes
Political Cartoon Carpetbagger Union soldier “The Solid South”
Political Cartoon Carpet Bag = also called a carpetbagger, a Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War. White Southerners were afraid that carpetbaggers would loot and destroy the war-torn South Woman = represents The South Soldiers = Union soldiers are helping hold up the bad as a way of “supporting” the mass movement of Northerners to the South
Carpetbaggers and scalawags
Key Reconstruction Amendments 13th Amendment = abolition of slavery 14th Amendment = gives citizenship to all people born in the United States This included the freed slaves 15th Amendment = gave African American men the right to vote Note = even though these Amendments were passed, the South established poll taxes, literacy tests, and segregation laws to prevent African Americans from voting and enjoying other freedoms
Political Cartoon KKK “The Union As It Was” White League “Worse Than Slavery” caption Former slaves
Political Cartoon White League = white paramilitary organization created to intimidate freedmen from voting and other political activities Family = freed slaves Caption = “Worse than Slavery” refers to the Black Codes which were laws passed in the South to restrict African Americans’ freedom and to force them to work as sharecroppers KKK member = the Ku Klux Klan, started in the 1860s, wanted to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South as well as to intimidate African Americans using violence and fear
Political Cartoon Background images Hanging man = lynching of African Americans was common in the South as a means of frightening them into submission and to prevent them from exercising their newfound freedoms School House sign = the school is burning Children’s book of letters = although African Americans were now able to go to school to learn how to read, nobody is actually reading the book The Eagle = “The Union As It Was. This is a White Man’s Government” Handshake = “The Lost Cause”
Extras Crash Course: Reconstruction
Activity We are moving on to the settlement of the American West You will read through the lives of different groups of people who settled out west Move around to the different stations to fill in your matrices in whichever order you choose