Early Years Pathfinder Update July 2012 A response to Welsh Government policy Goal: to drive forward improvement in early years health and social outcomes “I want a Wales fit for generations to come … What motivates me is doing my very best to ensure a brighter, sustainable future for [my grandchildren and their grandchildren] and every other child growing up in Wales today … [Therefore], top of the list … of our priorities which will continue to improve the quality of life for people today and in the future … is sustainability” Rhodri Morgan, First Minister, 8 February 2008 Pre-conception Pregnancy Birth 0 – 5 years Measuring and tracking health and well-being Evidence synthesis What should we be doing? What will the impact be? Communication and engagement Driving forward improvement (implementation) Risk factors in pregnancy Achievements so far First Trimester Control arm of a case –control study (n=217) Cigarette smoking 45.6% Binge drinking 37.4% Illegal drug use 4.6% Obese or overweight 41.1% Pilots underway in Aneurin Bevan Health Board for a holistic child surveillance system utilising data from health boards, local government and other agencies (e.g. education, social services). A suite of indicators agreed and endorsed. Evidence synthesis review of smoking in pregnancy completed. Pilots to evaluate different models of delivery for smoking cessation to pregnant women in progress in four health boards. Evidence synthesis reviews for substance misuse and alcohol; physical activity and nutrition in pregnancy and early years indicators and interventions in progress. Paranjothy, Palmer et al The role of maternal nutrition in the aetiology of gastroschisis: An incident case control study. IJE (accepted May 2012)