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Presentation transcript:

GOING FORWARD TOGETHER JOINED UP SOLUTIONS North Lincolnshire Commissioner and Provider services

JOURNEY TO JOINT COMMISSIONING STRATEGY 2000 Sure Start 2001 writing and establishing of a BTec Advanced Certificate in Speech and Language Therapy for support workers. May 2001 – Local Conference “Future Provision of S&LT to children with SEN in North Lincolnshire” Multi agency 2001-2002 -S&LT /Education, Pilot project of a new collaborative approach-11 schools involved –children with SEN Statement seen in school rather than clinics. 2002 –Project rolled out to all schools Funding of extra school sessions for Children without Statements where clinics were distant

JOURNEY July 2003 –SLA for S&LT service to Children with Statement of SEN in Mainstream Schools –Jointly funded by Health and Education. All children with Statement seen in school, SLCN addressed jointly by S&LTs and education. Beginning of Integrated pathway Joint development of Drop In sessions with Health Visitors to maximise early identification and intervention .Screening test rolled out. 2007 –Full time S&LT funded by LA for Behavioural Support Team 2006 - Consultant/Trainer for Early Years Children’s workforce (qualified S&LT) 2007 - Joint working with St Hugh’s Special school, Specialist College for Communication and Interaction. Funded SLT post for Outreach service

JOURNEY 2007-Establishment of Multi agency process in partnership with the ACE centre North via an SLA, for the assessment and provision of AAC. 2008 - Funding from the Schools Improvement Programme for S&LT in schools in each zone. Development by SLT service of Communicative Aspects of Learning and Life (CALL) Jan 2009 - reorganization of S&LT service in line with parents, children and stakeholders wishes. From Jan 2009 all school aged children seen in school to minimize time lost from education, ensuring all work is embedded in education plans and schools are supporting SLC work. Pre-school children seen at a Children’s centre, CDC or home. Integrated pathway

2011 Service Specification for SLT UP TO TODAY 2009 Bercow Pathfinder 2010 Visioning work 2011 Joint Strategy 2011 Service Specification for SLT

WHAT DID WE LEARN FROM BERCOW? Importance of Needs Analysis Users need an independent voice Outcomes and Impact are key Commissioners time is even more scarce than ours Working closely together pays dividends Flexibility!!!!

Themes Listening Workforce Integration Engagement- hard to reach Resources Outcomes / impact

LISTENING Parents and children Powerful message to CHANGE What we are good at / What we are not good at! New model of service going out to users Independent User voice – workshops / training and support –advocacy -AFASIC Research re How parents want to be involved –PPI policy Describe process to develop Independent voice whilst also using other groups and exit=sting routes eg thumbs up group

WORKFORCE BTec Advanced certificate Started 2003 Trained 100+ workers with skills and competencies in SLC in our workforce ECAT Teacher training / NVQ Training programme across all age bands and differentiated for Universal/Targeted/Specialist Mandatory Communication Awareness training for Early Years workers Describe key learning outcomes

Integration Joint working in schools – Toolkit Integrated ASD pathways –across health, education, social care and Camhs Early Support Programme Early Years input across agencies Joint SLAs with parallel budgets -Early Years/ Schools/Communication and Behaviour and Youth Offending

HARD TO REACH Building relationships –Time and place are key –avoiding value judgments Joint identification with LA Careful targeting –right time for the family Going out to users –home visiting Working through others –outreach teams Understanding pressures of families All workers giving same message

PRODUCTS Toolkit for schools CALL ( Communicative Aspects of Learning and Life) CICM ( Communication and Interaction Charter Mark) AAC service partnership with ACE Centre Oldham –Commissioners and Providers across agencies Joint Vision and Strategy Service Specification

OUTCOMES / IMPACT Therapy Outcome Measures (TOMS ) –greater emphasis on parents ratings EYFS scores Communication and Interaction Charter mark ECAT language measures improvement PPI Policy and mechanism for parent decision making and feedback Need hard data to share here

JOINT COMMUNICATION AND COMMISSIONING STRATEGY Common Vision 0-19 years Purpose agreed Agreed who does what and expected outcome and impact How does it fit into the bigger picture? Going forward together as change happens all around!

BENEFITS OF A JCS Nails down the vision and commitment Puts it into a local context Agreement about who does what Presents a united approach to all Puts the onus on all agencies and services to move forward together Gives a reference point for Commissioning and the effects of change

QIPP Train others – BTec/ ECAT Integrated Pathways –right input- right person –right time – right place Productivity –DNAs reduced No time wasted on inappropriate referrals Local skills development –AAC DIY ! Charter mark

CHANGE Create a winning strategy and implement it well, and you might cruise along for years without any problems. But no strategy is effective forever. Something in the external environment eventually changes--new technology appears, customer needs shift, new competitors emerge--rendering it ineffective. Unfortunately, many management teams cannot recognize when their strategies have become obsolete. Harvard Business School 2006

TIPS Get close and stay close-powerful coalitions Grow your sphere of influence Create a clearly and widely understood VISION Agree and document a shared Strategy Build systems and products together Listen to users and empower them to lobby Stay positive and flexible –one door shuts another opens

keeping together is a process, working together is a success.” “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process, working together is a success.” Henry Ford “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a process, working together is a success.” Henry Ford